Volunteer Water Monitoring Support through the UWSP Center for Watershed Science and Education Nancy Turyk Citizen-Based Monitoring Conference August 2004
Agencies Decision Makers Researchers
Citizen Based Water Monitoring Programs at UWSP Groundwater Groundwater Lakes Lakes Rivers/Watersheds Rivers/Watersheds
Wisconsin Groundwater Facts 70% of WI residents rely on groundwater. 70% of WI residents rely on groundwater. Over 800,000 private wells in WI. Over 800,000 private wells in WI. Typical private wells yield water a few years to a few decades old. Typical private wells yield water a few years to a few decades old. Municipal wells are required to have water tests, individual well testing is optional. Municipal wells are required to have water tests, individual well testing is optional.
Groundwater Monitoring Drinking water analyses Drinking water analyses Basic package includes nitrate, pH, bacteria, hardness, alkalinity, chloride Basic package includes nitrate, pH, bacteria, hardness, alkalinity, chloride Metals package Metals package Pesticides Pesticides
Groundwater Monitoring Options Individual resident samples Individual resident samples Individuals submit samples Individuals submit samples Interpretation guide provided with results Interpretation guide provided with results Assistance over telephone available Assistance over telephone available
Groundwater Monitoring Options Community drinking water programs Community drinking water programs Provides a community/regional view of groundwater Provides a community/regional view of groundwater Coordinated between local representative, WEAL Lab, and UWEX Groundwater Educator Coordinated between local representative, WEAL Lab, and UWEX Groundwater Educator Includes a community groundwater education program to better understand the analytical results Includes a community groundwater education program to better understand the analytical results
Community Drinking Water Programs County, Township, Watershed, Lake Assoc. County, Township, Watershed, Lake Assoc. Benefits Benefits Determine safety of drinking water supply and learn about treatment methods Determine safety of drinking water supply and learn about treatment methods Increased understanding of groundwater and the connection to the landscape Increased understanding of groundwater and the connection to the landscape Better indicator of communitys groundwater quality Better indicator of communitys groundwater quality People are informed on ways to protect water resources People are informed on ways to protect water resources
Community Drinking Water Programs
Lake Monitoring Determine current conditions and long-term trends Determine current conditions and long-term trends Individual residents/lake associations Individual residents/lake associations As partners with CWSE in conjunction with lake assessments As partners with CWSE in conjunction with lake assessments
Lake Monitoring – Overturn Program Samples are collected when the lake is mixed (Spring and Fall Overturn) Samples are collected when the lake is mixed (Spring and Fall Overturn) Individuals collect samples from deep hole of lake Individuals collect samples from deep hole of lake Samples are prepared according to instructions and shipped on ice to the lab Samples are prepared according to instructions and shipped on ice to the lab Samples are analyzed in the lab for nutrients, minerals, contaminants Samples are analyzed in the lab for nutrients, minerals, contaminants Data are stored in a database and graphed twice/year Data are stored in a database and graphed twice/year
River/Watershed Monitoring Monitoring rivers is MUCH trickier! Monitoring rivers is MUCH trickier! Moving water Moving water Varying quantities of water Varying quantities of water Water quality changes over a given storm Water quality changes over a given storm Affected by a variety of adjacent land uses Affected by a variety of adjacent land uses More rules/quality control/ quality assurance More rules/quality control/ quality assurance Need to know the amount of water Need to know the amount of water Need to know the amount of precipitation Need to know the amount of precipitation Sample collection is relatively easy – sampling design is not Sample collection is relatively easy – sampling design is not
River/Watershed Monitoring CWSE monitoring builds on WAV monitoring CWSE monitoring builds on WAV monitoring Lab data can help provide answers to observations made with WAV monitoring Lab data can help provide answers to observations made with WAV monitoring Analyses include more than what could be measured with a field kit Analyses include more than what could be measured with a field kit Lab data are more accurate because of the methods of analysis and the quality control Lab data are more accurate because of the methods of analysis and the quality control CWSE can provide assistance with sampling design/site selection CWSE can provide assistance with sampling design/site selection
River/Watershed Monitoring Used to Assess Used to Assess Current conditions Current conditions Long-term trends Long-term trends Affects of particular land use activities Affects of particular land use activities Who collects the samples? Who collects the samples? Individuals/river groups Individuals/river groups Agency staff Agency staff
River Monitoring Program Baseflow monitoring is recommended for measuring long-term trends Baseflow monitoring is recommended for measuring long-term trends Rivers are at low flow so water quality can be easily compared over a long period of time Rivers are at low flow so water quality can be easily compared over a long period of time Standard package include suspended sediment, nutrients, and chloride Standard package include suspended sediment, nutrients, and chloride Additional analyses may include metals (urban) or pesticides (rural) Additional analyses may include metals (urban) or pesticides (rural)
Quality Control/Assurance Site Identification/documentation Site Identification/documentation Group training Group training Sample acquisition and handling Sample acquisition and handling Documented methods Documented methods Data management Data management
Sample Sites Selection Selection Easy access Easy access Identifiable Identifiable Well defined channel Well defined channel Record location Record location Photograph Photograph Maps Maps Physical and legal description Physical and legal description Site 16 Hartman Creek. Rural Road about ½ mile NW of intersection of Rural Rd and Whispering Pines Rd. Sample above culvert. Town of Dayton T21N R11E Sec 5 (SW ¼ of NW ¼ of Sec 5)
Field Notes Flow regime Flow regime Runoff (precipitation/snowmelt) Runoff (precipitation/snowmelt) Baseflow Baseflow Ice on the river? Ice on the river? Dry for a month? Dry for a month? Staff gage and/or flow measurements Staff gage and/or flow measurements Measure precipitation Measure precipitation
Sampling Collect samples using Collect samples using grab method grab method siphon sampling device siphon sampling device Samples collected in acid washed containers Samples collected in acid washed containers
Sampling Sampling equipment rinsed with distilled water and triple rinsed with river water Sampling equipment rinsed with distilled water and triple rinsed with river water Samples filtered and/or acidified as required for analysis Samples filtered and/or acidified as required for analysis Sample bottles marked with proper site identification Sample bottles marked with proper site identification Samples transported on ice to the lab Samples transported on ice to the lab
Flow Measurements All individuals trained in the field All individuals trained in the field Staff gages Staff gages Flow meters Flow meters Level loggers Level loggers
Custody Transfer to a Lab
Sharing the Results