(Continue Project – Gun Control) Tuesday March 20, 2018 (Continue Project – Gun Control)
.32 caliber Colt has 6 lands & grooves twisting to the left. The Daily CSI Tuesday, 3/20/18 1/1 A .32-caliber Smith & Wesson handgun and a .32-caliber Colt handgun fire the same cartridge, but put different marks on the bullet. Why is this so? Different manufacturers have different rifling (land and groove) patterns for a particular class of weapon, which they keep consistent. For .32 caliber handguns, Smith & Wesson has 5 lands & grooves twisting to the right. .32 caliber Colt has 6 lands & grooves twisting to the left.
Announcements Remediation for Quiz 13 begins today and runs through next Wednesday, March 28th.
Summative or Formative # Assignment Summative or Formative # Date Issued Gone Missing Day Last Day Accepted Project – Gun Control S1 3/5 Friday, 3/23 Friday QUIZ 13 S2 3/7 Next Wednesday, 3/27
Continue Project Gun Control Due Friday!