APOLOGETICS Conference 1st ANNUAL – UPCO* APOLOGETICS Conference “HOLD FAST” April 24th - 25th 2015 *Undergraduate Preprofessional Churchwork Organization Have you ever wanted to develop a stronger foundation for your faith? You are invited to attend the first-ever Concordia Apologetics Conference! This conference will feature two world-renowned Christian apologists (defenders of the faith) as the main speakers. The conference will also include CUW’s own professors of philosophy, all of whom are prominent Christian thinkers, as they speak on various aspects of apologetics. Join us as we learn why we can Hold Fast to our faith! Guest Speakers: Dr. Gary Habermas Mr. Craig Parton Faculty Speakers: Dr. Angus Menuge Rev. Dr. Gregory Schulz Dr. Roland Ehlke Rev. Dr. Kevin Voss Mr. Brad Alles Sponsored by: For more information, please visit: www.facebook.com/ConcordiaApologeticsConference For registration information, please visit: www.cuw.edu/upco