The Civil War and American Life


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Presentation transcript:

The Civil War and American Life Chapter 15 Section 4 The Civil War and American Life

Preview Before this chapter starts, the Civil War has become a fight about slaves, somewhat because of the Emancipation Proclamation

Divisions Over the War Divisions in the South The war divided the nation, especially the North and the South The war was most wanted in Georgia and South Carolina Barely half of Georgia supported succession, and there were nearly 100 peace protest in 1863 Plantations with more slaves supported the war than ones with less slaves The governors did not want men from their state to do military service

Divisions in the North Northerners were also divided by the war, and many did not like the Emancipation Proclamation Some blamed Lincoln for forcing the South into a war, and others believed that the South had a right to succeed Northern Democrats who opposed the war were called Copperheads, named after the poisonous snake, and they were most common in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio Copperheads criticized the war and called for peace with the Confederacy

This cartoon takes a stand on the issue of war and peace The Union at war Copperheads, resembling Northern Democrats This cartoon takes a stand on the issue of war and peace

Dealing With Disruptions People on both sides tried to stop the war, and most encouraged soldiers to desert In the North people helped Confederate prisoners of war to escape, and in the South peace groups worked against the Confederacy Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis suspended the right of habeas corpus in some places during the war In the North, more than 13,00 people were arrested and jailed without trials. Habeas corpus- A constitutional protection against unlawful imprisonment.

The Draft Laws Between 550,000 and 300,000 soldiers deserted on both sides Both sides made a draft to meet needs for troops On April 1862, the Confederacy passed a law requiring men between 18 and 35 to serve in the military for three years The North made a law similar to this in 1863, for men between 20 and 45 Northerners could avoid the draft by paying $300 to the government People from both sides thought that the draft made the war a “a poor man’s fight” People didn’t like the draft, it led to violent riots in the North in July 1863 Draft- A system of required military service

The War and Economic strains There was a constant shortage because the draft drained away workers In August 1861, Congress levied the first income tax $400 million was printed by the Union to help pay its expenses This was the first federal currency, and this also led to inflation During the war the North prices of goods increased by 80% Goods got more expensive because of shortages In 1862, a pair of shoes cost $18, but cost went up to $800 in the South in 1864 Levied- collecting taxes by authority or force

The New York draft riot.

Women in the Civil War At least 400 women disguised themselves as men to join the Union or Confederate army Other women became spies behind enemy lines Women ran farms and plantations in both the North and South Women continued to work, but their crops got destroyed and the livestock were killed because of the fighting Many northern farms were run by women They performed dangerous jobs, such as crafting ammunition The war created many opportunities for women Some women became teachers, and 10,000 northern women became nurses

Continued America’s first women to get a medical degree was Elizabeth Blackwell, and her sister, Emily, was the third Both of the sisters favored the north because of abolitionist roots, and helped soldiers there Dorothea Dix became the superintendent for the Union army Harriet Tubman led enslaved people to freedom during the war by creating underground railroads Clara Barton took care of over 13,000 wounded soldiers Southern women also volunteered to be a nurse

Clara Barton was one of the nurses who helped wounded people during the war. Her nickname is Angel of the Battlefield.

By: Ryan Goodman and Clara Jape