Power Points and Animations by: Jack Wheeler Tent Maker Preacher jlwheeler39@gmail.com Power Points and Animations by: Jack Wheeler Tent Maker Preacher Church of Christ Original Charts By: Donnie S. Barnes, Th.D. Minister Church of Christ Red Boiling Springs, Tn.
Christ as seen through the cross Through the Cross we can see Christ as The dying one Pierced for our sins Psalm 22:16
Christ as seen through the cross Psalm 22:16 For dogs have compassed me: A company of evil-doers have enclosed me; They pierced my hands and my feet.
Christ as seen through the cross Through the Cross we can see Christ as The RISEN one Shown for our peace John 20:20
Christ as seen through the cross John 20:20 And when he had said this, he showed unto them his hands and his side. The disciples therefore were glad, when they saw the Lord.
Christ as seen through the cross Through the Cross we can see Christ as The ascended one Uplifted for blessing Luke 24:50
Christ as seen through the cross Luke 24:50 And he led them out until they were over against Bethany: and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them.
Christ as seen through the cross Through the Cross we can see Christ as The glorified one Opened for our supply Psalm 45:16
Christ as seen through the cross Psalm 45:16 Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children, Whom thou shalt make princes in all the earth.
Christ as seen through the cross The dying one The risen one The ascended one The glorified one