These are the core partners for WWKS These are the core partners for WWKS. There are a number of additional partners, including Kansas Alliance for Wellness (American Heart Association) and Kansas Leadership Center. It has been exciting to see WorkWell KS become a part of additional state wide initiatives.
You can see that the initiative truly is statewide You can see that the initiative truly is statewide. WorkWell KS began in 2011 and since then more than 100 workshops and 640 employers have been hosted across the state.
A number of different types of worksites have been engaged A number of different types of worksites have been engaged. The cost of poor health impacts any organization that has employees. Manufacturing Ex Health Care: Hospitals, clinics even health plans EDU: Grade-highschool, college CIVIC: Citys, County Jails, Libraries, Health Depts. Retail: Auto body shop, electric company
625 PARTICIPANTS 625 PARTICIPANTS 356 WORKSITES 356 WORKSITES 41 41 Health has a direct impact on many things: the quality and longevity of your employees’ lives and costs to your business. Health is directly linked to economic development and the sustainability of communities and the state of Kansas. Employers are constantly combatting the above listed things. 625 PARTICIPANTS 625 PARTICIPANTS 356 WORKSITES 356 WORKSITES 41 41 WORKSHOPS WORKSHOPS
625 PARTICIPANTS 625 PARTICIPANTS 356 WORKSITES 356 WORKSITES 41 41 Developing and implementing a COMPREHENSIVE worksite wellness plan can positively impact a worksites employees as well as it’s bottom line. WorkWell KS helps worksites develop and implement these plans! 625 PARTICIPANTS 625 PARTICIPANTS 356 WORKSITES 356 WORKSITES 41 41 WORKSHOPS WORKSHOPS
Benefits to employers participating in WorkWell KS
What makes WorkWell KS different: WorkWell KS’ strategy is different from traditional worksite wellness, which relies heavily on providing information and offering short lived programs. The intent of WorkWell KS is to make changes to the infrastructure of the worksite, to create an environment that allows employees to be healthy. It’s about making health the default, not an option. As a result of working at the worksite, employees just are healthier.
Having a strong foundation in place is crucial for worksite wellness and can affect the sustainability and impact of your efforts. This workshop is great for anyone that is new to worksite wellness as well as those that are new to the initiative. All of the WorkWell KS workshops are built upon a similar framework that is introduced during this workshop and important to understand. Once a worksite has a strong foundation in place, there are additional workshops available for them to attend allowing worksites to tailor their participation based on their specific needs. These workshops address the health priorities that are known to have the biggest impact on health and a business’ bottom line. During these workshops attendees will learn more about the specific impact the issue has on the business and develop a comprehensive plan to address it at their worksite.
There are a number of ways to connect with WorkWell KS. 1 There are a number of ways to connect with WorkWell KS. 1.) Visit the website; Check out the event page for a calendar of upcoming workshops and webinars 2.) Connect with a local Champion (Provide your contact informaiton) 3.) Reach out directly to the WorkWell KS Coordinator for next steps to get started.