Presidential Professors CRITERIA Presidential Professors inspire their students, mentor their undergraduate and/or graduate students in the process of research and creative scholarly activity within their discipline, and exemplify to their students (both past and present) and to their colleagues (both at OU and within their disciplines nationwide) the ideals of a scholar through their endeavors in teaching; research and creative scholarly activity; and professional and university service and public outreach. NOMINATION PROCEDURES Nominations should be prepared by chairs, directors, and committee A or other faculty groups and forwarded to both the appropriate Dean and Provost. Self-nominations will not be accepted. Deans will forward the nominations with their own comments to their campus Senior Vice President and Provost. Each Senior Vice President and Provost will convene a selection committee on his/her campus.
Distinguished Professorships honor faculty members who have made exceptional contributions to the mission of a public research university through outstanding instruction, leadership, scholarship, and peer recognition. Regents’ Awards recognize distinguished faculty who are selected for achieving unusual distinction in teaching and guidance of students, research, or service. Teaching awards honor excellence in instruction and the many ways that faculty are called upon to support their students in the classroom. Professional and University Service and Public Outreach awards recognize faculty who exhibit extraordinary leadership or commitment to the service goals of their communities. The Outstanding Academic Advising Award honors faculty for their perspectives, initiative, and efforts in performing advising services to students.