José María Diez, Innovation Manager Burgos City Council, Local Public Administration, "i + Burgos" Phone +34659628816 Fax +34947250017 E-mail: C/Nuño Rasura 7 Edificio CITUR 09003 Burgos
Local Public Administration searching for collaborative or demonstration projects, Burgos can be the city to implement your idea or your pilot project. Burgos would prefer not to lead the project, but being a partner in a consistent proposal will be ideal. The project will be managed from the Innovation Office (public entity), with technical staff but in constant contact with the Council at technical and political level.
Main topics of interest: land use, climate change mitigation, water resources, low carbon culture, green economy, polices and societies for environmental knowledge... In a URBAN Environment (don´t forget we are working in a public local entity). The Office has been involved in Life, Interreg IV C (Regions and Capitalization), Interreg SUDOE, CiViTAS, 7th FP, Urban (Structural Funds)... Ask for more details of our organization (and profile) to