Executive Sponsor: Tom Church, Cabinet Secretary New Mexico Department of Transportation Statewide Travel Demand Model Update Executive Sponsor: Tom Church, Cabinet Secretary Business Owner: Tamara P. Haas, NMDOT Asset Management & Planning Division Project Certification for Planning and Implementation September 26, 2018
Overview Project Goals: Maintain and update New Mexico Statewide Travel Demand Model (NMSTDM), which is operated by the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT). Business Problem: The current version of the NMSTDM is in need of maintenance and updating due to the age of the base data, including traffic counts, socio-economic information, and the roadway network. To better serve taxpayers and the traveling public in New Mexico, the model should be maintained with current data and updated with the current roadway configurations to more accurately project future traffic volumes (passenger vehicles and trucks) and potentially evaluate significant projects. Additionally, NMDOT is proposing to increase the model resolution, with consultant support, to more accurately model and forecast traffic patterns throughout the state. Desired Outcomes: Maintain and update the NMSTDM with new data and roadway alignments, to: Improve project prioritization Improve project design Make better data-driven decisions Certification Request: Request for $10,000 for initiation, to cover initial project costs.
Maintaining and updating NMSTDM provides opportunities to: Business Opportunity Maintaining and updating NMSTDM provides opportunities to: More accurately forecast future passenger vehicle and truck freight traffic Improve project selection and design, based on future volumes Evaluate impacts from proposed major projects Better coordinate with Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), who maintain their own regional travel demand models
NMDOT expects savings in: Cost Savings NMDOT expects savings in: Staff time for Statewide Planning Bureau staff Processing data to maintain and update the NMSTDM is both complicated and time-consuming, and can be done more efficiently with the proposed consultant support, though NMDOT staff will do some of the work to reduce the total project costs, and to increase NMDOT staff skillset Staff time and expenses for Project Design staff Corridor studies require future forecasts and evaluations of impacts of future projects, which is often contracted out by Project Design staff. Once maintained and updated, the NMSTDM will allow NMDOT to do more of this work in-house, saving staff time currently used on contract management, and reducing costs associated with these services
Risks of Keeping the Status Quo As current data gets older, forecasts get less reliable Also, it becomes increasingly harder to coordinate the NMSTDM with Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) models, which are regularly maintained and updated Without updating the roadway network, the model doesn’t accurately reflect the current network Without increased model resolution, the NMSTDM is limited in how trips are modeled, and can’t mirror MPO model structures, which reduces the ability to coordinate with MPOs
Major Deliverables by Project Phase Note: costs include Abba overhead, and will go down if we can successfully port RSG’s Federal GSA into New Mexico sys. Major Project Tasks Budget Due Date Project Phase 0.0 Project Kickoff $0.00 10/1/2019 Initiation 1.0 Zonal Data Coordination $38,640.00 2/28/2019 Planning 2.0 Highway Network Development $148,695.00 5/31/2019 3.0 Big Data Processing $80,800.00 8/30/2019 Implementation 4.0 Future Year Zone & External Development $15,180.00 7.0 Documentation and Training $77,400.00 IV&V (estimated) $55,000.00 3/31/2020 Planning - Closeout FFY19 Total Expenses $415,715.00 5.0 INRIX Speed Validation $119,000.00 6.0 Data-Driven Framework & Updated Model $125,280.00 FFY20 Total Expenses $244,280.00 Complete project total $659,995.00
Total Cost of Ownership Description FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 & After TOTAL Consulting Services Update zones and network, process data, begin documentation $360,715.00 Update model, complete documentation $244,280.00 IV&V (estimated) $55,000.00 Total $415,715.00 $0.00 $659,995.00
Amount Requested this Certification $10,000 Amount Previously Certified $0.00 Amount Spent To-Date Remaining Appropriation not Certified $649,995 Total Appropriated Amount $659,995
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