Italy is the fourth nation in the world for consumption of water: twice the global average. Each Italian consumes 2332 cubic meters of water per year, almost the content of an Olympic size swimming pool…
Globally, one billion and 400 million people on the planet have no access to drinking water. The great risk is that in 2025, when the population will exceed 8 billions people, the number of people without access to drinking water increases to over 3 billions.
F resh water in the subsoil is considerably reducing, and to meet the demand for drinking water, we need to dig deeper and deeper wells: practically we are consuming more water than available!
Water is a heritage of humanity. Individual and collective health, agriculture, industry and domestic life are deeply linked to it.
Brushing your teeth or are shaving, do not let water run unnecessarily.Brushing your teeth or are shaving, do not let water run unnecessarily. Operate washing machines with a full load, as to save up to 1,000 liters of water a year.Operate washing machines with a full load, as to save up to 1,000 liters of water a year.
1.There is no life without water. It is a treasure essential to all human activities. 1. There is no life without water. It is a treasure essential to all human activities. 2. Fresh water resources are not inexhaustible. It is essential to preserve, control, and whenever possible, increase them. 3.Water knows no frontiers: as a common resource it requires international co-operation. 4.Water is a common heritage, the value of which must be recognised by everybody. Everyone has the duty to use water carefully and save it.
Credits Presentation arranged by Youssef Hafid & Christopher Roverelli – Itis "Pascal" – Cesena – Italia ( ) Thanks to the teachers: A.M. Ravazzi (Biologia) – A. Tortora (Inglese) and to the Technical Assistant: F. Fiori Links: Pictures: E Blue_Water-SPL.jpg n2-Copertina%20anno%20acqua.jpg 43.bmp ravenna.jpg untitledersgb.bmp rubinetto.gif