Legal framework of territorial classifications and typologies for European statistics – state of play NUAC meeting, Brussels 17-18 June 2015 Gorja Bartsch Teodora Brandmuller Eurostat E4 Eurostat is proposing to amend the NUTS regulation as regards territorial typologies in order to establish a single legal frame work for territorial classifications and typologies for European statistics and EU policy needs
Background of the initiative Emerging policy needs – to be addressed by European statistics Cohesion policy 2014-2020: development strategies targeting urban and rural but also coastal areas Cities play a major role – EU urban agenda “Degree of Urbanisation” has been used in Regulation (EU) No 522/2014 to define eligibility for support European Statistics meet the needs of users. Indicators 11.1: Processes are in place to consult users, monitor the relevance and utility of existing statistics in meeting their needs, and consider their emerging needs and priorities.
What are the main objectives? Establish a legal recognition Lay down the core definitions and statistical criteria Ensure a harmonised and transparent application The territorial typologies will be integrated into the current NUTS regulation by means of a regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003. This will enable thematic statistical regulations as well as policy initiatives to make reference to these territorial typologies for the purpose of collecting European statistics and/or to define specific territories such as cities, urban, rural or coastal areas and regions. Therefore, the initiative will cover the existing territorial typologies based on the NUTS 3 level (e.g. urban-rural typology, metropolitan regions) and the LAU 2 level (e.g. Degree of Urbanisation, cities, coastal areas).
What are the main objectives? Establish a legal recognition Lay down the core definitions and statistical criteria Ensure a harmonised and transparent application
State of play First proposal discussed at the WP for Regional, urban and rural development statistics in October 2014 Roadmap drafted and approved by Cabinet of Commissioner Thyssen in May 2015 Revised proposal presented to Director's meeting on Environmental and Sectoral Statistics (DIMESA) on 11 June 2015 European Statistics meet the needs of users. Indicators 11.1: Processes are in place to consult users, monitor the relevance and utility of existing statistics in meeting their needs, and consider their emerging needs and priorities.
Issues raised by DIMESA Strategic Implementing or delegated acts Data requirements to be separated/suppressed Impact assessment? Operational Methodological issues: flexibility for specific geographic situations (e.g. north of SE), treatment of water bodies, locating coastlines, etc.) Implementation of the 1 km² grid Data requirements: periodicity, timeliness, variable definitions, etc.
Why are data requirements included? The current NUTS Regulation includes the requirement to submit LAU lists Eurostat also requests Member States to include population figures on a voluntary base – used for validation The aim of the current proposal is to gather basic demographic data on cities which can be used to update and maintain the classification The scope of the data requirement is open for discussion (derogations are also possible)
Data requirements: LAU (Art. 4) 2. Within the first six months of each year, Member States shall transmit to the Commission with reference to 1 January of the same year, information about changes in the list of LAU, the geographical information for each LAU along with the total population all changes of the components for the previous year that may affect the NUTS level 3 boundaries and in so doing shall respect the electronic data format requested by the Commission. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt, in accordance with Article 9, delegated acts on the technical detail and quality of the geographical information to ensure harmonisation. 3. Within six months after the transmission of the LAU information from Member States, the Commission shall publish the geographical information and the total population of the LAU and NUTS units in electronic format.
Data requirements: Cities, Greater cities, Functional Urban Areas (new Annex V) Variables Usually resident population by age (0-14, 15-61 and 62+) and by sex at the reference date Total deaths in the reference period Total live births in the reference period Reference date/period and deadline for transmission as in Demography regulation
DIMESA outcome DIMESA endorses the further work on the proposal, which will focus on addressing the remaining issues: determination of the correct way to legally implement the typologies inclusion of data provision requirements final design of harmonised methodologies of the typologies A new version will be presented during the WP on Regional, Urban and Rural development statistics in October 2015
Next steps (provisional timing) Commission decision on Impact Assessment (2015) Discussions with Member States on the issues identified (Jun-Sep 2015) Revised legislative proposal presented and agreed at WP (Oct 2015) Inter-Service Consultation (Nov 2015) ESSC vote on draft legal act (Feb 2016)
Your comments on the legal initiative are most welcome!