Late Antiquity
Terms—Late Antiquity Antonines Marcus Aurelius Commodus Severans (Soldier Emperors) Sol Invictus (New god) Coloni (Tenant Farmers) Diocletian (r. 284 – 305 AD) Tetrarchy (“rule by four”) Augustus (co-emperor) Caesars (two junior emperors) Constantine (r. 312 – 337 AD) Byzantium (Constantinople)
Marcus Aurelius (r. 161 – 180)
Commodus (r. 180 – 192)
Sol Invictus
Serfs—in debt to landowners The Coloni Poor tenant farmers Serfs—in debt to landowners
Diocletian (r. 284 – 305 AD)
Diocletian Was Determined To: Strengthen the throne again Reform the civil government Revitalize the Roman army
Tetrarchy “Rule by Four” Augustus (co- emperor) Caesars (junior rulers)
Division of the Empire
The “Cabbage Farmer”
Constantine (r. 312 – 337)
Location of Constantinople (the City of Constantine)
End of Rome in the West 476 A.D.
Constantine and Constantinople
End of the Roman Empire 476 A.D.
Causes: Christianity – Otherworldly Manpower shortage Barbarians Roman elite concerned only with selves Military absolutism & dictatorship