California Career Pathways Trust Technical Assistance Project 9-14 Career Pathway Development in Partnership with Napa County Office of Education and California Department of Education Materials available at:
Contact Information Kris Costa Career Pathways Engagement Manager Tulare County Office of Education 559.903.6151 Materials available at:
Agenda for the day Overview of Career Pathways Beginning with the End in Mind Crafting Programs of Study
Essential Elements of a Quality Career Pathway CTE Incentive Grant Leadership at All Levels High Quality Curriculum and instruction Career Exploration and Guidance Student Support and Student Leadership Development Industry Partnerships System Alignment and Coherence Effective Organizational Design System Responsiveness to Changing economic demands Skilled faculty and professional development Evaluation, accountability and continuous improvement CTE Promotion, outreach, marketing, and communication Agriculture Incentive Grant Curriculum and Instruction Leadership and Citizenship Development Supervised Agricultural Experience Qualified and Competent Personnel Facilities, Equipment, and Materials Community, Business and Industry Involvement Career Guidance Program Promotion Program Accountability and Planning Student-Teacher Ratios Full Year Employment
HOW DOES YOUR PATHWAY MEASURE UP? Career Pathway Rubric HOW DOES YOUR PATHWAY MEASURE UP? Pathway Rubric. Look through it and identify where existing pathway is at the current time and what they would like to work on today.
Aligned to Essential Elements K-14 Rubric Aligned to Essential Elements
Crafting Programs of Study Work based learning continuum Current Course Lists College program alignment Appropriate certifications (if any)
Post Secondary Connections What can students “do”? Certificates Associate of Arts/Science for Transfer (AA/AS-T) Little to no General Education required Units for major courses varies 12-17 Units = skill certificate 37-40 units of General Education 18+ units = Achievement Certificate CSU, UC, IGETC UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Academies Police, Fire, etc. Associate of Arts/Science Degree (AS) Often 18+ units of major coursework +/- 20 units of General Education
The Work-Based Learning Continuum Awareness Exploration Preparation KRIS
Crafting your program of study Download appropriate Pathway chart Save as <School Name>_<pathway> on desktop Review appropriate aligned college cert/degree Input appropriate coursework 9-12 Graduation Requirements Recommended electives Input Appropriate Coursework 13-14
Crafting your program of study (cont.) Modify Work Based Learning and Leadership entries Identify overlapping courses in “transitions” column Dual enrollment Articulation Adjust Industry Certifications as appropriate Upload into “COMPLETED” folder Repeat for multiple pathways Feedback