Upcoming News and Events Classroom News! December 18-22, 2017 jennifershepherd@henry.k12.ga.us Room 211 A peek at the week + Upcoming News and Events n Reading: I can answer questions about key (important) details in a text. I can ask questions about key (important) details in a text. Language: I can produce rhyming words. I can count syllables in words I hear. Math: I can say if a shape is two-dimensional (flat) or three-dimensional (solid). I can tell how shapes are alike and different. Social Studies/ Science: I can tell you why we celebrate different holidays that happen throughout the year. Writing: I can draw or write to help me share what I think. December 20th- Wear your favorite holiday socks day. December 21st – Mrs. Wood’s birthday December 22th- Holiday Party in classroom 8:30- 9:30 Also, don’t forget it’s wear your favorite hoodie day. December 25th – 8th. No school January 12th Dojo Acknowledgement Celebration For students that have earned 90% positive points of higher. Also, it’s skate night from 6-9 p.m. January 15th No School (MLK holiday) January 19th- School council meeting. January 30th – Ms. Shepherd’s Birthday This week’s homework : r Sight Words: View the Flippen kindergarten webpage for site word activities. Play on Dreambox: The expectation is at least 10-15 minutes per day. (Parents, please do not help your children do these activities. This program helps us measure what they know independently. Also, please let us know if notice that your child is struggling doing the assignments on Dreambox.) Also, please to remember to read with your child daily. Letter of the Week: z Review Previous Letters
jennifershepherd@henry.k12.ga.us Room 211 Classroom News! December 18-22, 2017 jennifershepherd@henry.k12.ga.us Room 211 Student of the Week + Cool ideas for home n Keshawn P. Keshawn is a great kid and we are glad to have him in class. He loves writing and is really shown that he can be a hard worker. https://childhood101.com/sight-words-activity-ideas/ Download Duck Duck Moose Reading And Moose Math from your app store. They are FREE! Supplies Needed: r HP 96 and 97 Ink Cartridges Kleenex Tissues Clorox Wipes Small glue sticks Each child needs and stylus and a pair of earbuds. (Five below has a good selection)