European Forum for GeoStatistics For GeoStatisticians Vilni Verner Holst Bloch President European Forum for GeoStatistics MSc. landscape ecology and natural resources Statistics Norway Otervegen 23 N - 2225 Kongsvinger Tel : ++47 / 62 88 50 62 Fax : ++47 / 62 88 50 97 E-mail : EuroStat Working Party on GIS for Statistics Luxembourg 8th – 9th of March 2010 The Geostat project
Background and objectives EFGS started in 1998 as a Nordic network for cooperation on geostatistics with a foci on developing a common population map EFGS holds annual conferences, and the first European conference was held in 2008 Aims to harmonise methods and data sets on a European level, by exchanging knowledge and experience
Organisation General Assembly Steering Committee and President Executive Director and office * Budget * Membership Expert groups *
General Assembly The first Ordinary General Assembly is to be held in 2012 Election of members of Steering Committee Election of President
Steering Committee 1 President - NSI Norway, Mr. Vilni Verner Holst Bloch 8 Steering committee members - NSI Austria, Mrs. Ingrid Kaminger - NSI Estonia, Mrs. Diana Makareno-Piirsalu - NSI Finland, Mrs. Marja Tamilehto-Luode - NSI France, Mr. Jean-Luc Lipatz - NSI Netherlands, Mr. Niek van Leeuwen - NSI Poland, Mr. Radoslaw Jablonski - NSI Portugal, Mrs. Ana Maria Santos - NSI Slovenia, Mr. Igor Kuzma
Executive Director/Office 1 Executive Director - Mr. Lars Henrik Backer Tasks - Annual report to Steering Committee and General Assembly on EFGS activities and finances - Administrator of EFGS website - Central contact point together with the President
Membership Organisational membership Active membership Associated membership Personal membership
Expert groups/GEOSTAT task forces EFGS EG 01 Geostatistics and metadata standards Niek van Leuwen EFGS EG 05 Land use statistics and GIS Mr/s X ? EFGS EG 09 Geostatistics and user needs Ingrid Kaminger EFGS EG 02 Geostatistics and websolutions Mr/s X ? EFGS EG 06 Geostatistics and dissaggregation models Jean-Luc Lipatz EFGS EG 10 Geostatistics and presentations Rina Tammisto EFGS EG 03 Population census and GIS Mr/s X EFGS EG 07 Geostatistics and scientific community Dave Martin EFGS EG 11 Geostatistics and database management Eileen Oplendskedal Hokaasen ? EFGS EG 04 Agricultural census and GIS Mr/s X EFGS EG 08 Geostatistics and business models Marja Tammiletho-Luode EFGS EG 12 Geostatistics and confidentiality Vilni Verner Holst Bloch ?