REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project Session 4 – Training and Technology Transfer Sergio Milheiras, ONFI 11th December 2013 2nd Steering Committee, Macapá
Training and Technology Transfer Plans Specific budget is dedicated to Training and Technology Transfer opportunities within the project framework 80k€ - Technology Transfer 216k€ - Training Objectives: Provide a defined space within the project for developing technical capacities, by training staff on topics such as GIS, remote sensing analysis, database management, REDD+, etc Transfer technologies based on availability and on countries’ needs Serve both the countries reinforcement objective and the regional dialogue purpose
Training and Technology Transfer Format: Training sessions, as far as possible at the regional level, but more likely at national level, organized in the countries with some trainers from either partnering organization (ONF/ONFI, others) or outside organizations. Possible support to address technological needs for improved MRV systems (e.g. software and imageries in the limit of availability) Scholarships for Master degrees on relevant topics that increase local expertise Frequency/ Number of events: To be decided based on the available budget and on the capacity and technology transfer plans
Development of the TTT plans Requires a clear identification of the existing capacities and the needs in terms of training and technologies Needs to be based on a capacity diagnosis and on countries/state/region demands How the plans will be developed: Collection of information during several events Country level support Working Group Meetings Missions in the countries/state/region and discussion with the organizations and partners Validated by the SC through a stepwise approach
MERCI / THANK YOU / DANK U / OBRIGADO Photo credit: ONF Guyane