Campus Sustainability Programme On behalf of EAUC-Scotland 21 November 2007 What they do: Who they are: A membership organisation promoting sustainability in UK FHE A One Stop Shop Member-led Association Established 1996 - now a charitable company 200 institutional members (32 Scottish – 13 HE, 19 FE) Work with National & Local Government, Funding Councils, Industry & Regulators Managed by elected trustees with office in Cheltenham What they do: EAUC Best Practice Guidance materials - Waste Management Online Guide - Biodiversity Guide - Travel Planning online database EAUC Annual Conference (31 March – 2 April 2008 – University of Exeter) EAUC events and training workshops - Sustainable Procurement - EMS Assessor Training - Travel Planning - Hazardous Waste Management - Campus Biodiversity - Sustainable Construction HEEPI Green Gown Awards – 5th December 2007 closing dates for applications
Campus Sustainability Programme www. eauc. org Campus Sustainability Programme Campus Sustainability Programme: Promoting sustainable universities and colleges in Scotland Providing support programme for staff and students Broad definition of sustainability – waste, energy, construction, biodiversity, procurement, SRI etc Funded by a Scottish Executive Sustainable Action Grant and the Scottish Funding Council CaSPr Steering Group includes representatives from EAUC, HE and FE
…workshops…staff…students…other organisations… CaSPr activities …workshops…staff…students…other organisations… CaSPr Activities include: Links with FHE institutions Partnerships with organisations Students Snapshot of existing practice Case studies / examples of good practice Links to other support and funding Training Conference Topic support networks Website …case studies…benchmarking… topic support networks… website … conference…links with other organisations….
Strategic partner organisations CaSPr Events Waste - 2 including one for UHI and partners Sustainable construction Performance measurement Energy Travel Sustainable procurement Biodiversity Socially responsible investment Sustainable communities Student involvement
Baseline review Quantitative information Qualitative information SECTION 4 Data Collection SECTION 3 Legislation, compliance and other requirements Qualitative information SECTION 2 General management Awareness of compliance SECTION 1 Response 30 institutions were contacted 17 (57%) responded 13 (76%) were colleges (43 colleges (68%) in Scotland) 4 (24%) were universities (20 HEIs (32%) in Scotland) You & your college / university Basic contact details
Baseline review – summary of results General management Many institutions did not have systems in place to manage environmental and sustainability issues Environmental and sustainability issues were given less priority in comparison to health and safety and equal opps (required by law) Legislation Institutions lacked awareness of legal requirements Data In general institutions lack data on production and consumption of resources (cost and quantity) Very few report or have targets or KPIs
Baseline - waste Issue Number of institutions Waste policy 2 (1 college/1 university) Waste audit 5 (4 college/1 university) Waste working group 4 (3 college/1 university) Recycling data available 2 (2 universities – different to above) Composting data available 1 (college) Landfill tax data available 1 (university) Others have this data but find it difficult to access
Support Energy audit Action Plan Benchmarking Conversion tools Baseline toolkit ECA technology list Exemplar wording RC toolkit Reference guide Case studies Env & Energy Helpline Fasttrack visit Healthcheck and targets Publications / Tools Green Officiency Toolkit
Support Legal guidance Waste min campaigns NetRegs ICE signs Waste minimisation support Waste min campaigns ICE signs Waste Aware Campus OTHER ORGANISATIONS SISP / SUSTRANS / LIFTSHARE / NESTRANS / SESTRANS / APUC / EST / TAYSIDE BIODIVERSITY PARTNERSHIP / PEOPLE & PLANET / NUS / FAIR PENSIONS / USS
Contact details