Soviet Propaganda
The Bolshevik Era (1917-1921) Lenin emphasized the use of “agitprop”. This was a combination of propaganda and agitation in order to win the support of both the intellectuals and average worker Struggle of Ideology, battle from within Over 3,600 posters were created during this time As The Civil War intensified in 1919, the Bolsheviks set up a new Literary-Publishing Department to coordinate propaganda efforts. Dimitri Moor and Viktor Deni were the main cartoonists of the era. Russian Telegraph Agency (ROSTA) Stenciled posters that summarized the news. Displayed in shop windows across Moscow. Era ended when Bolsheviks defeated the Whites.
Rosta Window #216 (No Bureaucracy) - 8 panels, 1921 Cossack - Who are you with, them or us?, 1920 Never buy in a Private Shop - when you can buy in a cooperative, Universal War Training Education is the Key to Victory. The worker's hand is powerful with a rifle a, c.1919 Rosta Window #216 (No Bureaucracy) - 8 panels, 1921 Only the Red Army can bring peace to your farms and villages. Peasants, join your workers' and peasants’, 1920
The New Economic Policy (1921-1927) Small farms and businesses flourished, while the State kept control of heavy industry, transport and foreign trade. “Roaring Twenties” of Russia. Mayakovsky and Rodchenko known as "advertising constructors" for State-run businesses. They developed an ‘agitational’ style of advertising in which shrill slogans and aggressive compositions were used with strong diagonals and color became the peacetime equivalent of the revolutionary poster. State poster production was headed by Yakov Ruklevsky Other Famous Artists Stenberg brothers, Georgii and Vladimir Nikolai Prusakov Mikhail Dlugach who created more than 500 posters
Be ready to defend October, 1927 Sailors- Buy in the Cooperatives, 1925 The Horror of Future War, 1924 No Knowledge=No Bread. Knowledge Lies in Books. Books are in the Cooperatives., 1925 Be ready to defend October, 1927