In your Interactive Notebook: Unit. Day 2 In your Interactive Notebook: Unit.Day 2.3 Bystander Effect, Social Facilitation, & Group Bias Unit 2 – Social Psychology: ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How do people influence each other? How do psychological factors affect decision-making? DEAR Friday Quiz ON YOUR DESK: 1) reading journal 2) Daily commentary notebook 3) Today’s OBJECTIVE(S) -- WRITE THESE DOWN: I can define the bystander effect, social facilitation, and group polaraization I can evaluate the effects of group membership on individual choice and behavior
Today’s Discussion Questions Make sure your name is on the questions you submit, and that your question is unique. This will be factored into your grade.
DQ’S, Updates & Reminders BIG PICTURE Friday Quizzes September 13 & September 20 Projects Due Reflection Paper: Why do good people do bad things? Unit Exam: Friday, September 27th Tonight’s Homework: RJ 2.4 Myers 742-748
The Kitty Genovese Story You are walking down the street and hear a girl screaming “let me go, you’re not my dad!” you look over and see a man half leading, half pulling a 13 year old along behind him. What do you do?
Group Influence One person affecting another Families Teams Committees How do groups affect our behavior? Social psychologists study various groups: One person affecting another Families Teams Committees
Social Loafing The tendency of an individual in a group to exert less effort toward attaining a common goal than when tested individually (Latané, 1981). Why should I bother when others will get it done for me? EXAMPLES: Group projects Bystander effect
Deindividuation The loss of self-awareness and self-restraint in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity. Mob behavior
Deindividuation Mob behavior EXAMPLES Lynchings (KKK robes/hoods remove individual idenity) Beating of Rodney King Fruitvale Station (though this has other complicating factors as well, such as power of role) Mob behavior
Effects of Group Interaction Group Polarization enhances a group’s prevailing attitudes through a discussion. If a group is like-minded, discussion strengthens its prevailing opinions and attitudes. OBJECTIVE 11| Discuss how group interaction can facilitate group polarization and groupthink.
Group Polarization Examples A juror who is leaning slightly towards one direction has that view strengthened by discussion with other jurors
Groupthink A mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides the realistic appraisal of alternatives. Attack on Pearl Harbor Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis Watergate Cover-up Chernobyl Reactor Accident The Military
Reviewing the Unit 1 Exam MC Questions The FRQ
Minorities in the News Project Assignment Overview & Expectations Rubric
Minority Studies Final Project Oral Histories
Minority Studies Book Project Find book #17!!!!