5th Grade Parent Night Welcome!
Question Who’s nervous?
Welcome to IMS Learning Objective – Parents will be able to attend the welcome evening and feel good about their student attending IMS and know that staff is here to answer questions. Probably have more questions than answers That’s OK
What makes IMS “tick” Our goal for your students – make them cry Because they don’t want to leave Students are exceptional Citizens Behavior Committed to achievement Believe in rigor and challenging students Highly collaborative staff Embrace Diversity
Differences Physical Social Emotional (AKA – Puberty) Different building – Really different Multiple teachers Multiple classes Single locker Puberty Social Emotional (AKA – Puberty) Increasingly complex executive functioning skills Organization Prioritization Long-term planning Wanting to be different and the same simultaneously Wanting structure and freedom simultaneously Parental Involvement It looks different Teachers have 150 kids… at least. Still necessary
Guided Independence Emerging skill in students Adults monitor and encourage Homework Check for completion, don’t “do” Your student’s achievement is not a reflection of you Grit and Perseverance Let them forget their lunch or gym clothes Carol Dweck – “Mindset”
Key Dates & Notes Tdap– WA State Requirement: Proof of Tdap vaccine when they turn 11, before entering 6th grade. If 11, can get it done and report to elementary nurse. Can submit to IMS during the summer via fax or email. Can bring to Back to School Check In on date TBD Can also bring student health care plan in on this date Other dates on back of program Sports Physical AFTER June 15 Back to School Check In from August 10 to 16 6th Grade WEB orientation August 31 First Day of School – September 5
Overview of Tonight 5 Sessions – 25 minutes each Middle School Life and Finding Balance – Ms. Donahoe, Mr. Gardiner, Ms. Lorang & Ms. Austin Core Class & Pathways Options: Math/Science – Ms. Brewster and Mrs. Santodomingo Social Studies/Langauge Arts and Electives - Mrs. Eckhardt and Ms. Weiss Advanced Path Q&A Panel – Optional In the past we have also had a separate Spanish speaking session. We found that having it before was better.
Questions and Feedback Pink paper copy on the table to your left as you leave Email Survey Monkey coming later this week