Revision: Booklet 1b Why did war break out in 1914?
Tension in the Balkans Bosnian Crisis 1908 Russia developed her armed forces. Serbia increasingly strong – Balkan Wars 1912-1913 Serbia wanted to create a ‘Greater Serbia’, with the next objective being Bosnia. 1911 – ten men form the Black Hand movement. By 1914 2,500 members.
Assassination at Sarajevo Franz Ferdinand visited Sarajevo on 28th June to witness a display of army manoeuvres – a Serbian national festival day. Security was poor – only 120 police to cover a 6km route. The first attempt – Cabrinovic. F.F. reaches the Town Hall and decides to abandon the tour after visiting the wounded. Driver not told. Gavrilo Princip and the assassination.
Consequences Most European countries thought that the crisis would be solved by negotiation. However, it was seen by some in Austria as an opportunity for war against Serbia. Ten point ultimatum sent to Serbia. They accept all but one. Austria-Hungary, assured of German support, declared war on 28th July. Which previous crises affected the events of 1914?
Role of the Alliances Some alliances were triggered by these events. Russia began to mobilise against Austria-Hungary and Germany on 30th July. Germany declared war on Russia on 1st August after they did not respond to an ultimatum to stop mobilising. However, at this point, war was contained to Eastern Europe.
The Schlieffen Plan After the signing of the Franco-Russian alliance, 1893, Germany had been concerned with the problem of a war on two fronts. 1905 – von Schlieffen proposed a solution. ‘Lunch in Paris, dinner in St Petersburg’.
The Schlieffen Plan
The spread of war to the west Russian mobilisation endangered the Schlieffen Plan. Germany demanded neutrality from France. When this demand was ignored, war was declared on 3rd August. Britain was primarily concerned with the security of the north European coast. Germany invaded Belgium on 3rd August. Britain declared war on 4th. Britain claimed that it was going to war over ‘the sanctity of treaties’ – Treaty of London 1839.
Who was responsible? Britain France Germany Austria-Hungary Russia Serbia