New version of Recognition of Trainer form on SOAR Last updated: 11th May 2016
Overview New simplified RoT form following user and stakeholder feedback To be deployed on the evening of 23rd May 2016 Clearer for GPs on who should be completing form (see next slide) Questions/wording simplified Uploading of documents moved to just one section
Who completes the RoT Form? Secondary Care users With named-trainer roles following data import Optional for those working to becoming a Trainer GPs Non approved GP Trainers who supervise foundation doctors in practice or OOH Approved GP Trainers DO NOT complete RoT forms Supervising Clinicians DO NOT complete RoT forms If incorrectly ID’ed as trainer – contact DME
New simplified RoT form (1/5) If you have a Primary Care (GP) Appraisee role on SOAR, you will be met with the question below: Are you an Approved GP Trainer? If Yes – RoT form is disabled If No, but has named Trainer role from import – complete RoT form If No, and have no named roles, RoT form is disabled
New simplified RoT form (2/5) Section A: Educational Governance Requirements If you are unable to accept/tick all 3 requirements then you must provide additional comments to explain why. I have a GMC Licence to Practice. I have completed equality and diversity training as required by my employer. I am currently practising within the field(s) relevant to my training role(s). I have appropriate time allocated within my role.
New simplified RoT form (3/5) Section B: Role Specific Requirements By ticking the checkbox you confirm the following: I understand the requirements of my role and how that role fits with other educational and clinical roles. I know how to get support if needed. I understand the curriculum and career stage of my students/trainees. These requirements should have been addressed through your induction.
New simplified RoT form (4/5) Section C: Generic Trainer Skills You must provide evidence of an appropriate level of teaching development. For most trainers this will involve providing supporting information mapped to the GMCs framework areas. By ticking the checkbox you confirm you can demonstrate that you meet the GMC framework areas and have uploaded relevant supporting information: Ensuring safe and effective patient care through training Establishing and maintaining an environment for learning Teaching and facilitating learning Enhancing learning through assessment Supporting and monitoring educational process Guiding personal and professional development Continuing professional development (CPD) as an educator Each bullet point will be hyperlinked to STF website
New simplified RoT form (5/5) Supporting information for appraisal This should include appropriate documentary evidence for section c and an equality and diversity training certificate (where available). If documentary evidence is not available, an appropriate narrative should be provided below. Additional information: Upload
Further resources Further assistance: Click on “Contact” from Scottish Trainer Framework website; or Use the “Help” box / form when logged into SOAR; or email the helpdesk