ESF Committee and Coordination Committee in the 2014-2020 programming period ESF Technical Working Group/ESF Committee Vilnius, 25/26 September 2013
Overview of the presentation I. ESF Committee II. Tasks of the ESF Committee III. Delivering opinions on the ESF contribution to implement Europe 2020 IV. Adoption of opinions V. Coordination Committee (ex-COCOF) VI. Coordination of ESF Committee with Coordination Committee/expert group
I. ESF Committee Art. 163 TFEU: assists Commission in the management of the ESF Art. 17 new ESF Reg. : details composition and tasks - agreement in ESF Trilogue Composition: unchanged - appointment can be for a maximum period of 7 years
II. Tasks of the ESF Committee Is consulted on: draft Commission decisions on OPs supported by the ESF planned use of ESF technical assistance Is to endorse the list of common themes for transnational cooperation Possibility to deliver opinions on: Questions related to the ESF contribution in the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy Issues concerning the Common Provisions Regulation relevant or the ESF Questions related to the ESF referred to it by the Commission
III. Delivering opinions on the ESF contribution to implement the Europe 2020 Strategy Up to the ESF Committee to decide DG EMPL open to provide support to the ESF Committee to this effect: Spreading knowledge and good practices in the policy areas supported by the ESF Mutual information exchange and exploring synergies with policy Committees EMCO and SPC as well as with the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) Committee
IV. Adoption of opinions Absolute majority of the votes validly casted Opinions will be communicated to the European Parliament for information Commission has to inform the ESF Committee of the manner in which it has taken account of its opinion
V. Coordination Committee (ex-COCOF) (I) Art. 143 CPR Comitology committee for the CPR, ESF, ERDF, Cohesion Fund and ETC regulations Tasks strictly limited to comitology: deliver opinions on draft implementing acts (control of the exercise by the Commission of its implementing powers) All tasks related to programme implementation, e.g. guidance notes and good practices, will be dealt with by an expert group composed of Member States’ authorities
V. Coordination Committee (ex-COCOF) (II) Set-up is being prepared Composition of Committee and expert group is still being discussed within Commission, in particular number of government experts: will this reflect that CPR covers 5 Funds (ESF, ERDF, Cohesion Fund, EAFRD and EMFF) ?
VI. ESF Committee-Coordination Com. Task of ESF Committee: deliver opinions on issues concerning CPR relevant for the ESF: very broad Aim is to put the ESF Committee in a position that it can deliver opinions on matters which were in the past submitted to COCOF: e.g. guidance notes Need for coordination between Secretariats Information and consultation via written procedure (one calendar week, with extension of deadline whenever possible), but additional meetings may be necessary (e.g. in December 2013) Update of rules of procedure ESF Committee