Archaeology Unit 1 Early Humans
Prehistory: a long period of time before people developed written language
Artifact: an object that was made or used by people in the past.
Social Scientists: People who study the past Social Scientists: People who study the past. They are like detectives because they use clues from the past to tell the story of what happened. Examples of social scientists include: Historians Archaeologists Anthropologists Paleontologists Geologists
Historian: A person who studies the past trying to give an objective interpretation of what has already been written down. A historian may look at artifacts themselves, or he/she may look at what others have written about artifacts.
Archaeology The study of human activity in the past through the analysis of artifacts, landforms, climates, and cultures. In this archaeological dig in Afghanistan, social scientists will look at the landforms around the site, the artifacts they uncover and the culture of people who lived here in the past, to tell the story of what happened.
Archaeologist: A scientist who studies the past by using artifacts to discover clues to ancient civilizations. Archaeologists at “the hill” in Maryland search for artifacts that will provide clues about the people who lived here in the 1850s.
Anthropologist: A scientist who studies the past by looking at the culture of a specific group or civilization This anthropologist writes notes as he observes a group of people preparing a meal.
Geographer A scientist who studies maps
A geologist: Studies the past by examining rocks and minerals to identify climate and other natural patterns of the past By studying the soil and rocks, a geologist can discover the age of artifacts and the climate of the area at the time.
A paleontologist: Studies the past by examining fossils to discover and reconstruct the past These paleontologists are trying to determine the age of these bones.
Why are social scientists important? What do you think????????? Why are social scientists important?
They help us explain how the ancient cultures worked and functioned. Here are two ideas They help us explain how the ancient cultures worked and functioned. They help us understand who we are today, by knowing where we come from. *
Objects made or used by people in the past Artifacts Objects made or used by people in the past Artifacts include tools, clothing, paintings, buildings, and the artwork painted on the walls of buildings and caves The painting above and the spear thrower to the left are ancient artifacts that have been found in caves
The study of ancient cultures begins long ago before there was any written language. This period of time is known as PREHISTORY.