Graphing Techniques Lab Peer Grading Rubric Graphing Techniques Lab
Peer Grading Rules Use a different, bright color of ink or pencil (red, green, etc.) When taking off points, clearly write amount lost and reason for deduction Provided constructive feedback on formatting and work for use on future labs Be honest! Any discrepancy will be deducted from YOUR score!
Scoring Guide – Part I Table 1: +3 Missing any of the following criteria: -½ each Descriptive Title and # Column Headings Units (not in table) Uncertainties (not in table) 2+ Trials Same level of precision Note: NO Averages (second table)
Scoring Guide – Part I (continued) Graph 1: +3 Missing any of the following criteria: -½ each Descriptive Title and # Horizontal Axis Labeled Diameter Vertical Axis Labeled Circumference Units included on axes labels Best Fit Line (with ruler) Graph on graph paper Note: NO Uncertainties (calculated values)
Scoring Guide – Part I (continued) Analysis Question #1: +1 Analysis Question #3: +1 (-½ if no work) Analysis Question #4: +1 (-½ if no work)
Scoring Guide – Part II Graph 2: +3 Missing any of the following criteria: -½ each Descriptive Title and # Horizontal Axis Labeled Diameter Vertical Axis Labeled Circumference Units included on axes labels Best Fit Line Graph Completed in LoggerPro Analysis Question #5: +1 (-½ if no work) Analysis Question #6: +1
Total Score At the bottom of the lab: Include CB: ______________ (your name) At the top of the lab: TOTAL POSSIBLE SCORE: + /14