Exergame Tracker Web App Group 8a Joshwin
Project Description Web Application Features: Create the Exergame Tracker Web Application (ETWA) which is a web interface for doctors/fitness trainers. The application allows doctors/trainers to: Record and track patients’ exercise/fitness progress Manage patients’ health profiles View progress charts and reports Send notifications to patients or other trainers and doctors The web app should also: Allow patients to view their exercise progress. Web Application Features: Landing Page with Product Description User Login with Authentication Capabilities User Dashboard with Coverage Reports for entire patient data sets Ability to add, remove, and filter through patients Patient specific reports with progress updates, reports, and custom training plans Ability to send notifications in app and out of app via email Ability to import and export data Joshwin
Project Scope Create the Exergame Tracker Web Application Interface Conduct user testing through task analysis and heuristic evaluations Design and develop interfaces for the required features Develop Infrastructure to Support Interface Establish secure database for storing user and patient information (MongoDB) Handle all data in a secure manner while maintaining the privacy of patients and hospital staff (Spring Security) Retrieve, delete, store and update exercise/fitness progress data securely (RESTful service) Access and process exercise session data when notified by Exergame system Allow for the visualization of patient progress over a period of time Bryan
Project Timeline Development Tasks Due Date Task Assignee 4/1/2016 Gather Project Requirements Team 4/6/2016 Get up to speed with MongoDB Bryan, Joshwin, Jonathan Get up to speed with Spring 4/7/2016 Create User Flow Wireframes Sophia, Andrew, Cassie Design Overall Architecture 4/14/2016 Have Skeleton - Part 1 Finished 4/14/2015 Login and Home Page Structure Andrew, Sophia, Cassie 4/28/2016 Have Skeleton Finished Initial Reports Visualizations on Home Page Integration and Testing Jonathan, Bryan, Joshwin 5/12/2016 User / Administrator Profile Page Cassie, Sophia, Andrew 5/19/2016 Patient Profile Page Andrew, Joshwin Tean 5/26/2016 Customized Reports Page Jonathan 6/2/2016 Hardening In-Class Assignments Due Date Task Assignee 04/20/2016 User Interviews (Questions) Team Initial Student Presentation (7,8a,8b) 05/06/2016 Conduct User Interview Conduct Task Analysis 05/16/2016 User Study Complete 05/20/2016 Conduct Heuristic Evaluations Pre-Final Presentation Preparation 05/25/2016 Pre-Final Student Presentations (7,8a,8b) 06/07/2016 Final Project Due
Usability Problems FOR THE PROJECT There currently is no existing UI for the system. Client had patchwork of pages which our group decided to scratch. We may not be able to meet the potential users often and may use our client as a liaison. This limits the amount of user research and testing we can do. FOR THE USER Doctors are busy! Needs to be intuitive and easy to use. Get important information fast. Rules and Regulations about Patient Information (HIPAA) Limits the amount of users that can support doctors Visualizations must be simple and clear to users so they are not misinterpreted. Andrew
User Centered Design Empathize Ideate Test Define Prototype Cassie Test & gather feedback Learn about the users Brainstorm solutions Define Prototype Cassie Define requirements based on user needs Build representation of solution based using wireframes
User Research and Testing USERS SubGroups Doctors Fitness Trainers Medical Office Staff The Patient’s Parents/Guardians or Patient Administrator USER RESEARCH METHODS Visualize our users with Personas Wanted to better understand users. Interviews Completed an initial informal interview with client. Our client is our acting user for most user testing. Conducted informal interview to gather requirements More structured interview to be conducted at a client meeting on 05/06/2016 Conducted two informal interviews with doctors and showed wireframes. Collected their feedback Cassie
Methods and Testing USER RESEARCH METHODS USER TESTING METHODS Observations Observed the RAMP test that patients go through before using exergame. Determines peak heart rate Bases prescribed exercise from results Observed the users and patients using the exergame. USER TESTING METHODS Use Wireframes to conduct: Task Completion We may not have direct access to users so task completion testing will be with the client. A series of tasks will be given to the user. Clicks user makes will be logged and time to complete tasks will be recorded. Possible tasks include: Navigate to the patient portal and filter out all male patients. Send a notification to patient John Doe. Heuristic Evaluations We may not have direct access to users so our heuristic evaluations will be conducted with the client. For general Heuristic qualities users unaffiliated with the project may be used to evaluate basic heuristic qualities. Sophia
Method #1: User Research - User Personas Sophia
Method # 2: User Testing with Wireframes Sophia https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3zp-JBT2Ln_VWxBNU41U2ZPS00
Method #3 Heuristic Evaluation Application of Method: Standard Evaluation Criteria. Weight scores based on user's desired qualities. Conduct evaluations with users familiar with application and new to application. Sophia