Georgia Milestones Assessment System Year Two
Agenda Review principals and purpose of Georgia Milestones Assessment Structure of the test Score reports Changes to the test Online testing Resources How parents can help
Georgia Milestones Grades 3 – 8 High School End of Grade (EOG) in language arts, mathematics, science, social studies High School End of Course (EOC) in 9th Grade Literature & Composition, American Literature & Composition, Algebra 1, Geometry, Physical Science, Biology, US History, and Economics
Georgia Milestones Guiding Principles Be sufficiently challenging and compare with other students across the United States and internationally Be designed to send a clear signal of student progress/growth and preparedness for the next level Be accessible to all students Accelerate the transition to online administration
Georgia Milestones: Policy Uses Determines promotion/retention status in grade 3 (reading only), grade 5 (reading and mathematics), and grade 8 (reading and mathematics) Reading: a student who has a Below Grade Level Reading status will require remediation and retesting in ELA Mathematics: a student who is classified as a Beginning Learner will require remediation and retesting in mathematics The End of Course (EOC) measures serve as the final exam and comprise 20% of a student’s final course grade Eligible students may seek to demonstrate subject area competency (“test-out”) before enrolling in a course with an associated EOC Informs Georgia’s accountability measures (CCRPI/TKES/LKES)
Georgia Milestones: Instructional Uses Differentiation of student instruction Differentiation of staff development One piece of the total picture of student performance Teacher reflection and growth
Test Construction – EOG/EOC Content Area and Number of Sections Selected Response Constructed Response (2 points) Extended Constructed Response (4 points) Extended Writing Response (7 points) Evidence Based/Multiple Part Items (Technology Enhanced, Field Test Only) Multiple choice Short answer Narrative, response to text Essay (grade appropriate/ 1st draft) mul English Language Arts (3) Mathematics (2) Science (2) Social Studies (2) 7
Calculator Policy Content Area Grade Level/Course Type of Calculator Mathematics Grades 3-5 Not Allowed Grade 6 Basic Grades 7 and 8 Basic or Scientific Coordinate Algebra Scientific or Graphing Analytic Geometry Algebra I Geometry Science Physical Science Social Studies Economics Calculators are not permitted on Section 1, Part A, of each mathematics test in grades 6–8 and high school. Calculators are not permitted at all in grades 3–5 mathematics.
End of Grade - Individual Student Report (ISR) Sample
Achievement Levels Beginning Learners do not yet demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students need substantial academic support to be prepared for the next grade level or course and to be on track for college and career readiness. Developing Learners demonstrate partial proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students need additional academic support to ensure success in the next grade level or course and to be on track for college and career readiness. Proficient Learners demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students are prepared for the next grade level or course and are on track for college and career readiness. Distinguished Learners demonstrate advanced proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students are well prepared for the next grade level or course and are well prepared for college and career readiness.
Domain Signals English Language Arts Reading Status Below Grade Level/On Grade Level or Above Writing Scores Extended Writing Task – by trait Ideas, Organization & Coherence – number of points earned out of 4 Language Usage and Conventions – number of points earned out of 3 Narrative Writing – number of points earned out of 4 possible Lexiles
Domain Signals Mathematics, Science, Social Studies Remediate Learning Monitor Learning Accelerate Learning
Norm-Referenced Scores National Percentile Rank (NPR) NPR Range (based on SEM) Norm Curve Equivalencies (NCE) Provided on summary reports only Remember: A sample of norm-referenced items were administered, not an intact form. Norm-referenced Testing (NRT) data should be utilized as an indicator or barometer of student performance relative to their peers nationally. NPRs may not be used for gifted program identification.
Changes for 2016 Scratch paper for all content areas (online and paper/pencil) ELA questions # 59 and 60 have been reformatted for clarity Question numbers, Go On arrows and Stop Signs larger in paper/pencil tests MS students taking HS science and or math classes DO NOT need to take the science and or math sections of the EOG New company
Online testing More students testing online this year Extended testing window ( 12 days) New company Desktops, chrome books, notebooks Student practice Public site Secure practice site (school)
Online tools for all students ICON CONTENT AREA Periodic Table EOG and EOC Science Reference/Formula Sheet EOG and EOC Math, EOC Science Highlighter ALL Sticky Note Flag Line Guide Online Calculator Grades 6–8 and EOC Mathematics; EOC Science; EOC Economics Graphing Tool EOC Mathematics only Cross-off Tool
Explore the Public Practice Site
Explore DOE Resources Georgia Department of Education Policy/communications/Pages/PressReleaseDetail s.aspx?PressView=default&pid=190 Offices and Divisions Assessment Georgia Milestones Assessment System Resources EOG Resources EOC Resources
How Parents Can help! Positive Attitude! Keep a calm, relaxed, supportive attitude about the test Positive talk about state testing Listen when your child talks about testing each day; be supportive and positive Physically and Mentally Prepared! Good night’s sleep Healthy breakfast and lunch Physical activity each day after testing Share DOE resources with your child Practice public website at home
Contacts Beth Kieffer Director of Assessment 770-887-2461 ext: #202243 Susan Norce Assessment Coordinator 770-887-2461 ext. # 202242