Alban MARCHÉ Director of Economics Policies Région Centre-Val de Loire How the next cohesion policy may help industrial regions in building resilient and competitive economies? Region Centre-Val de Loire feedback on the EC pilot action on industrial transition Alban MARCHÉ Director of Economics Policies Région Centre-Val de Loire
Centre-Val de Loire region at a glance The Loire Valley Region known as The ‘Valley of the kings’ 1,56 M inhabitants 2 universities with 50 000 students 5 main clusters within the Region, focused on the Region smart specialization domains: Polepharma, Elastopole, Cosmetic Valley, S2E2 and DREAM An agricultural and rural region: 1st French and European region for cereal production
The aim of the pilot action on Industrial Transition launched by the DG REGIO (1/2) EC objective: Selection of national or regional authorities “willing to work on the basis of their RIS3 to promote broad-based innovation to address the challenges of the industrial transition” EC expected outcomes: Develop a comprehensive strategy for economic transformation building on our S3, clusters, and digitalisation Reinforce link with other regions or clusters Test new approaches in industrial transition and give recommandations to better support the implementation of RSI3 post 2020 Scheme extracted from the EC call of interest
The aim of the pilot action on Industrial Transition launched by the DG REGIO 12 national or regional authorities have been selected: Focus on more developed and transition regions In 2 groups of selected Regions (5 + 7) Source: - EOCIC presentation
Why did we join the EC Pilot Action on Industrial transition The Centre-Val de Loire Region was always involve in the RIS3 strategy Financial resources: 1,3B€ over 2014-2020 (10% EU funding) 5 smart specialization domains: environmental engineering and metrology for highly resource-consuming activities biotechnologies for health and cosmetic industries systems design for energy storage technology of energy efficiency for the construction and renovation of buildings ICT and services for tourism heritage
Why did we join the EC Pilot Action on Industrial transition Our regional context regarding industrial transition Strong industrial activities but without clearly identified spearheads Strong sub-contractor culture Our main Challenges Attract new companies and create new investments Strengthen human resources: brain drain, loss of 10 000 jobs in the industrial sector over 2012 -2016, low qualification level of young people… Our objective Climb up the value chain to retain more value-added and resist delocalization pressure
Support and activities resulting from the pilot action March 2018: Official launch by the DG REGIO OECD 2-day peer learning Workshops: April: Jobs of the future - Brussels May 2018: Broadening innovation - Brussels June 2018: Energy transition - Manchester September 2018: Promotion Entrepreneurship - Orléans October 2018: Inclusive Growth – Finland Customised advisory services from the European Observatory for Clusters, including a study visit in July
Support and activities resulting from the pilot action Next steps Autumn 2018: Support of an expert to help the design of our comprehensive strategy First half 2019: Early implementation of the actions of the strategy with the financial support of the EC (300 000 €) Capitalization and assessment of strategy development phase, first half 2019
Conclusions so far An opportunity to prepare from now on the post 2020 new requirements and perspectives Further long term expectations: Supporting the internationalization of companies and their positioning along global value chain How to encourage clusters to use more thematic platforms Better follow and evaluate the policy mix
THANKS TO THE ACTION PILOT TEAM! Conclusions so far An opportunity to prepare from now on the post 2020 new requirements and perspectives Further long term expectations: Supporting the internationalization of companies and their positioning along global value chain How to encourage clusters to use more thematic platforms Better follow and evaluate the policy mix THANKS TO THE ACTION PILOT TEAM!
Thank you for you attention How the next cohesion policy may help industrial regions in building resilient and competitive economies? Region Centre-Val de Loire feedback on the EC pilot action on industrial transition Thank you for you attention Contact details: