Ed-ICT International Network: Students with Disabilities, ICT, Post-Compulsory Education & Employment: In Search of New Designs SHALOM Welcome
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Ed-ICT International Network International collaboration of 5 country 3 continent to (1) better understand the role of information and communication technology (2) propose solutions Synthesise and compare the research evidence regarding the relationship between students with disabilities and ICTs in higher education Provide new perspectives about potential future solutions regarding how institutions can better use ICTs to remove the ongoing problems of disadvantage and exclusion of students with disabilities. USA, Seattle, 2017: New models and approaches CANADA, Montreal, 2017: New perspectives ISRAEL, Tel Aviv/Ra’anana, 2018: New designs GERMANY, Hagen, 2018: New practices UK, London, 2019: Future Solutions
2 days conference DAY 1 ICTs implementations in the life of young adults with disabilities New design of assistive technology in higher education in Israel: Various perspectives International perspectives: Approaches to integrating technologies and promoting the design of accessible ICTs for students with disabilities in higher education Individual and social experience of students with disabilities with ICTs DAY 2 Challenges and facilitators for promoting new designs of ICTs in higher education: Future directions Israeli higher education students' panel Advanced, innovative technologies and new designs Discussion and future implications Mostly welcome
A The Open University of Israel 42 Study Centers Ra’anana campus – 15 km north of Tel Aviv
Digital, accessible, portable, personal version of the course text-book At the Open University 2016-2017 861 students with disabilities: hearing and visual impairment, physical and motor impairment, chronic illness, mental disabilities (2%). 2,700 students with specific learning disabilities (6%).
14th Jerusalem Conference in Canadian Studies, 20-22 May 2013 Thank you The Open University of Israel Tali, Dorit, Dana talihe@openu.ac.il doritol@openu.ac.il danakas@openu.ac.il