WebSDR Generated No Prepositioned Materiel Receipt (PMR) Reports (ADC 1221) Ben Breen Alternate DoD SDR Administrator DLMS Program Office May 17 2017
ADC 1221 (July 29, 2016) Mandatory SDR for DLA Distribution Center Receipts with no PMR: Establishes a requirement for DLA Distribution Centers to send an SDR to the owner/manager when the distribution center processes a receipt without a PMR for materiel owned by that organization Applicability: All procurement and non-procurement source receipts Significant Changes/Impacts: DLA Distribution Centers will submit an SDR using Discrepancy Code Z3 (distribution center receipt not due-in) for receipts lacking a PMR (SDR for information or action based on SDR business rules; other discrepancy codes noted as applicable). WebSDR will generate monthly reports by owner/manager listing SDRs containing Discrepancy Code Z3 using standard WebSDR report layout. Automatically distributed via email to the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and DLA SDR Process Review Committee (PRC) primary and alternate members, and any other representative per Service/Agency request No PMR Report for DLA includes separate section for other miscellaneous owner/managers Initial distribution began April 2017
ADC 1221 View Sample Reports Questions Transaction format issues for forwarding replies. Composite view in WebSDR misrepresenting transaction flow. PDREP not following follow-up procedures and multiple user errors. Potenital new interface on the horizon ISSPA with Army.