Training Session Training Sessions Withdrawing a student Main Points: review the 3 sessions let the attendees know the first session will not primarily be hands on
Problem Solving Process School Teacher Lead School Trainer Data Manager Education Center Debby Penland NC DPI Main Points: remind that the data manager is the only person allowed to call wendy - this should help speed replies by limiting the number of phone calls Help Desk
Withdrawing a Student At the Main eSIS screen, select the student you wish to withdraw by entering a query. Press F7 to clear the fields, type the student’s last name followed by the % sign. Press F8…
Withdrawing a Student … and scroll to find the student.
Withdrawing a Student Go to: Main Menu > Withdraw Student Or…
Withdrawing a Student …click on the Withdraw button.
Withdrawing a Student Type in the date and choose the reason from the drop down menu.
Withdrawing a Student If you know the destination of the withdrawing student, you can enter the information on this screen along with the next school. You also have the option to send a memo to the new school.
Withdrawing a Student When you click on the Withdraw button, a box will appear asking if you had “printed all required reports successfully”. If you have, click OK. Required Reports: Report Card (any others the Data Manager needs)
Withdrawing a Student Another box will appear…Final Check. Confirm your date, and click on the Continue Withdraw button.
Withdrawing a Student A box will appear showing the process and then finally another box appears showing the Withdrawal Status. It should say “Student has been successfully withdrawn”. Click on OK.
Withdrawing a Student It will then ask you if you want to print an Office Index Card. Click on YES or NO.
Withdrawing a Student It will then revert to a blank screen. Exit through the door.
Withdrawing a Student If you want to check to make sure the student has been withdrawn, you need to first select ALL. Do a query for that student. It will show you the Withdrawal Date.
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