From The House on Mango Street Women and Freedom From The House on Mango Street
Women and Freedom in Mango Street As you read think about the girls on Mango Street: Esperanza, Rachel, Lucy, Nenny, Marin, Mrs. Vargas, and Alicia). In what ways do they have a lot of freedom? In what ways are they restricted? What roles do race, religion, age, gender, education and finances play in their sense of freedom? ASSIGNMENT: On a piece of paper create a T chart. Label one side freedom and label the other side restrictions of freedom. As we read today’s vignettes write down quotes from the text that you think represent each of these ideas.
Analyze Your quotes Think about the quotes you wrote down. Label which character the quote is referring to. Now label each one with which type of freedom it represents or restricts. Which one of the following does the quote represent or restrict? Race Religion Age Gender Education Finances Another freedom
3.8 Paragraph You are going to write a 3.8 paragraph where you analyze the freedoms of the women on Mango Street. Look at your chart. Are there more quotes representing freedoms or restrictions for these women? Which topic is going to help you write the best paragraph? This will be the topic you write your paragraph about.
3.8 Paragraph Topic sentence: The girls on Mango Street have very little freedom to do what they like and pursue their own dreams. Now you do the rest. Choose three characters to discuss in a 3.8 paragraph. You may use your notes on paragraph writing, your book for extra textual support, your T chart, and your own answer about freedom from earlier in class to help create a strong paragraph.
3.8 Paragraph Outline 1. TS (topic sentence): This was given to you. 2. SS (support sentence): Give one example of a woman from Mango Street that has her freedom restricted. 3. EX (explanation): Explain which freedom is restricted and why that freedom is restricted. 4. SS (support sentence) : Give a second example of a woman from Mango Street that has her freedom restricted. 5. EX (explanation) : Explain which freedom is restricted and why that freedom is restricted. 6. SS (support sentence) : Give a third example of a woman from Mango Street that has her freedom restricted. 7. EX (explanation) : Explain which freedom is restricted and why that freedom is restricted. 8. CS (concluding sentence): Conclude with a general statement that explains what the lives of women are like in Esperanza’s neighborhood.