Westport Middle School Advisory Lessons- Week 4 Citizenship Westport Middle School Advisory Lessons- Week 4
Icebreaker: Alibi One student is the Detective and leaves the room. Leader decides on a crime and chooses a Perpetrator. Everyone thinks of a personal alibi. The Detective returns and goes around the circle TWICE asking everyone for their alibi. Everyone gives the same alibi except for the Perpetrator, who changes it slightly. The Detective gets three chances to guess the Perpetrator.
Learning Target and Agenda Learning Target: I can understand how to be a good citizen. Agenda: 1. PowerPoint- What is good citizenship? Four ways to be a good citizen. 2. Activity- Character Dilemmas- Role-play dilemmas showing one of the ways to be a good citizen. 3. Exit Slip- What does it mean to be a good citizen? Why is it important?
What is Good Citizenship? Citizenship refers to your membership, responsibility toward, and contribution to your community. Citizenship refers to your conduct (behavior) within your community and nation.
Video Be a Good Citizen
Ways to Be a Good Citizen Be a caring, respectful person who obeys laws and rules. Be an active participant in your family, school, and community. Help people. Work to improve conditions for everyone. Get involved in your government. Speak out against social injustice.
Decide on a way to be a good citizen. Activity Character Dilemmas- Read your dilemma. Decide on a way to be a good citizen. Role-play dilemma showing one of the ways to be a good citizen.
What does it mean to be a good citizen? Why is it important? Exit Slip What does it mean to be a good citizen? Why is it important?
ICEBREAKER: COPYCAT Form a circle. Leader instructs the students to watch one other player in the circle without revealing whom they choose to watch. Each student imitates the actions of the student he or she is watching. After thirty seconds, students point to the student they were imitating. Repeat.
Learning Target and Agenda Learning Target: I can learn how to be an activist in my community. Agenda: 1. What is activism? Ways to be an activist. 2. Activity- Activism Inventory 3. Activity- Bill of Rights Graphic Organizer 4. Exit Slip- Reflect on whether or not you are an activist. Why or why not?
What is Activism?
Raise money for your cause. Carry out your solution. Don’t give up! Ways to be an Activist Choose a problem. Do your research. Brainstorm solutions. Build a support team. Raise money for your cause. Carry out your solution. Don’t give up!
Independently or with a partner, complete the Activism Inventory. 25 – 30 Points- Super Citizen 15 – 24 Points- Average Participating Citizen 10 – 14 Points- What are you waiting for?
Bill of Rights Graphic Organizer In order to be an activist, you need to know your rights. Draw a cartoon to illustrate each of the freedoms or rights found in the Bill of Rights.
Reflect on whether or not you are an activist. (Two sentences) Exit Slip Reflect on whether or not you are an activist. (Two sentences) Why or why not? (Three sentences)
Icebreaker: Heads or Tails Students stand. Object of the game is to see how many times in a row students correctly guess the side on which a flipped coin lands. Students signal their predictions prior to each coin by holding their hand on their head (heads) or hip (tails). A coin is flipped. Those who guess wrong must sit down. The game continues until one player remains.
Learning Target and Agenda Learning Target: I can describe how young people can be activists. Agenda: 1. Review activism and ways to be an activist. 2. Activity- Read “Character in Action, William Kane Marin: A Voice for Youth” and answer questions. 3. Exit Slip- What are some social issues that you care about? How can you get involved?
What is Activism?
Malala Malala Yousafzai Malala Yousafzai was born on July 12, 1997, in Mingora, Pakistan. As a child, she became an advocate for girls' education, which resulted in the Taliban issuing a death threat against her. On October 9, 2012, a gunman shot Malala when she was traveling home from school. Malala
Famous Activists
Read Character in Action William Kane Marin: A Voice for Youth Answer the Questions about the Text.
What are some social issues that you care about? Exit Slip What are some social issues that you care about? How can you get involved?