Introduction to Coaching 10:30 – 12:00 = 90 minutes November, 2013
MiBLSi Coaching Definition Coaching is a systematic, results orientated process that facilitates competency development (e.g., skills and knowledge) of educational personnel individually or as a member of a team to implement effective practices with fidelity and durability, generalized across varied settings.
Coach returns from leave Investing in Coaches: Average Major Discipline Referrals per Day per Month Coach returns from leave One School’s Example
Comparison of Schoolwide Evaluation Tool (SET) Scores after training and after MiBLSi Implementation For 6 elementary schools
Coaching is complex and not well defined It is not a person but a function It varies, based on The practices being coached Who is coaching and who is being coached The current skill level and past experience The organizational structure for providing coaching
Terminology Consultant vs. Coach Coaching vs. Facilitating Same thing Coach vs. Facilitator Facilitating vs. Coach Skills/tasks vs. Person Consultant vs. Coach
Internal vs. External Internal Coach External Coach Advantages Knowledge of school Staff relationships Regular access Independent Outside perspective Multiple schools experience Disadvantages Conflicting roles Narrow range of experiences Limited knowledge of school Limited relationships Less frequent access
Roles & Responsibilities Defined Coaches are there to increase the fluency and judgment of teachers and staff with respect to the intervention Coaches also are generalists – anything that impacts the ability of the teacher/staff to implement well or improve becomes part of the coaching agenda (c) Dean Fixsen and Karen Blase, 2009
How is support provided? Provides guidance, visibility, funding, political support for MiBLSi Students Building Staff Building Leadership Team LEA District Cabinet and Implementation Team Across State Multiple ISD/LEA Teams All staff All students Multiple schools w/in local district Provides guidance, visibility, funding, political support, and implementation supports Provides coaching and TA for LEA and/or ISD Teams Provides guidance and manages implementation Provides effective practices to support students Improved behavior and reading ISD Cabinet and Implementation Team Regional Technical Assistance Michigan Department of Education/MiBLSi Leadership Multiple LEAs w/in intermediate district Who is supported? This stair step of a cascading system illustrates that there are units within educational systems that build upon each other and are connected through feedback loops and mechanisms of support How is support provided? Statewide Structure of Support
Consideration of Three Tracks: Application for you and also for those you support Acquisition: Think about how you plan to accomplish the work. Continuous Improvement: Think about how to make it easy, better, more effective. Sustainability: Think about how to continue the practice and ensure it will endure.
Prevention and Intervention Educators are Students are doing the best they can given their skills/abilities and the quality of their environment Teach Prevent Encourage adapted from Durand 1990