Podcast 20.3 Water
20.3 Objectives Describe the Water Cycle Explain how Temperature and Humidity are related Identify various clouds by their appearance and altitudes that they typically occur Use pressure gradients to explain how winds are created and explain how Earths rotation affects their direction
Vocabulary Condensation Precipitation Humidity Dew Point Evaporation Transpiration Relative Humidity Evapotranspiration Transport Surface Water Infiltration Runoff Groundwater
The Water Cycle
Web Water Cycles There are many good water cycle websites – and a few with really silly songs… /earthguide/diagrams/wate rcycle/index.html metz.fr/enseign/anglais/He nry/eau.htm#wc
Another View
Facts about water Of all the water on earth 97% of it is in oceans 3% is freshwater ½ of all freshwater is in Canada 60% of all freshwater used is for irrigation Many of the worlds population does not have access to freshwater
Drinking Water
Many believe the next world war could be over water
Temperature and Humidity At any temperature the air can only hold a specific amount of water – no more
Similar graph in Temperatures we know
When air cools at night What happens to the water it can no longer hold?
Dew Point The temperature at which water starts coming out of the air and forms liquid It gives you a clue as to how saturated the air is Will you get fog or frost tonight?
Indoors - Moisture causes problems
Clouds Clouds and fog form when the temperature drops below the dew point They come in many forms
Lower Level Clouds Stratus Think fog, mist Large, stretched out Cumulus Puffy low clouds
Mid Level Clouds Altostratus They look the same but higher Altocumulus They wont be as thick as regular cumulus
High Level Clouds Cirrus Wispy high level clouds Cirrostratus High sheets of clouds great sunsets
Rainmakers Nimbostratus 3 day rainstorms (welcome to Seattle) Days of yucky weather Cumulonimbus Thunderstorm clouds Grow in height – planes must avoid
Punch hole clouds
Weirdos Mammatus Clouds
Kelvin Helmholtz Clouds
Contrails What are the products of combustion?
End Podcast 20.2 Make sure you get your notes checked to receive credit. Then take them home and review them for next time