Welcome to Pre-Algebra Mrs. Baxter Back to School Welcome to Pre-Algebra Mrs. Baxter
Topics to Discuss Communication Organization Curriculum Grading policies
Communication Phone: 973-584-2973 ext. 2104 E-mail: dbaxter@roxbury.org Website: Teacher page on EMS website Genesis: Remember to check it often
Organization Check your child’s notebook often Notebook 3 subject spiral First Section Notes (numbered) Second Section Class Work Third Section Homework (numbered) Check your child’s notebook often
Curriculum Our new curriculum is in line with the National Common Core Standards
Grading Policy Homework/Class work 15% of grade Consists of daily homework Weekly homework Quizzes
Grading - continued Quizzes 30% of grade Tests 35% of grade Classwork 20% of grade (includes journal writing, projects, class activities, foldables and notebook)
Grading - continued Re-Tests I allow all students to retake a test or quiz; if they follow the procedure below within 1 week of receiving the graded test/quiz. They must make all corrections possible to their test/quiz. They must then arrange to see me to review their test/quiz and corrections. They may then arrange a time to complete a re-test.
EXTRA HELP Encourage your child to come. I am available for extra help both before and after school or during VIP. Just Ask!!!! Homework/Extra Help Club will begin in October. After school from 2:30-3:30 on Wednesday’s Encourage your child to come.
Thank You for attending Tonight is just the beginning!!! Please keep involved and in communication with both your child and myself!!!!