Active Lives – Children & Young People Survey December 2018
About the survey This presentation is the Energize STW headlines based on the first Active Lives Children and Young People Survey report produced by Sport England The full report summarises the activity levels of young people (aged 5 -16) in England from Sept 2017 – July 2018 The data from this survey will be released in two parts. This is part one which focuses on behaviours. Part two will be released in March 2019 and will focus on attitudes to gain a better understanding of impact of confidence, motivation and perceived physical competence upon behaviour and activity levels.
The headline for ST&W More than 60% of children in our County do not meet the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines of more than 60 minutes activity a day This is worse than the national picture and the region – West Midlands Fairly & Less active National 57% West Mids 59% STW 61% TW 68% Shropshire 52% Fairly active - an average of 30-59 minutes a day Less active - less than an average of 30 minutes a day
Breakdown by age group There is a difference as children move from primary to secondary school age within STW For ages 5-11 years the fairly and less active figure is 57% For ages 11-16 years it rises to 64% This does vary significantly between Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin 5 – 11 years Fairly & Less active National 56% West Mids 60% STW 57% TW 65% Shropshire 42% 11-16 years Fairly & Less active National 58% West Mids STW 64% TW 71% Shropshire 57%
In school / out of school Like the national picture, more children and young people are active 30+ mins every day at school compared to outside of school
Impact on mental wellbeing Link from activity levels to mental wellbeing This data is for ages 7 – 16 and is only available nationally at the current time
For more information You can read the full report here…