Welcome to Back-to-School Night Algebra I Ms. Greco 1
A–Day B–Day 1B – Algebra I 1A – Geometry 2B – Prep 2A – Geometry B Lunch 4B – Geometry 1A – Geometry 2A – Geometry 3A – Prep 4A – Adv Geometry
Important School Personnel 732-329-4044 Principal – Mr. Peter Varela Math Supervisor – Anna Alfieri
About Me Graduate of SBHS Graduated from Rowan University with B.A. Mathematics, Concentration in Statistics/Operational Research and Minor in K-12 Education Coach Track and Field at SBHS
Website Go to: msgrecosbhs.weebley.com Once you visit the site, save it to your favorites! Daily Homework/News Contact me through the site too! Email : Stephanie.Greco@sbschools.org Find Class Expectations
Student Expectations Come to class and be on time. Complete class work on time. Do all your homework and bring it to school with you each day. Bring all necessary materials to class. Be an active learner- participate! Respect others.
Textbooks Textbooks can be accessed online. my.hrw.com 7
Class Grading Test/Quizzes : 90% Homework/Classwork : 10% Determined by Department per Class/Level Test/Quizzes : 90% Homework/Classwork : 10% Test – 2-3 Tests per Marking Period Quizzes – 2-3 Quizzes per Marking Period Pop Quizzes/HW Quizzes will be given and are considered into the HW/CW grade Projects – At least 1 per Marking Period
Homework Homework is due the next class day unless otherwise directed. If a student is out, they can email me for the work they have missed. Homework may be put onto my website for students to retrieve an extra copy.
Supplies Needed for the Classroom Pencil is required for class. Binder/Folder Scientific Calculator
Bring Your Own Device Not a BYOD Classroom Cellphones and other devices are not allowed out during my class. Only device they need is a calculator! Scientific Calculator!
(Determined by the South Brunswick) Grading Scale (Determined by the South Brunswick) A = 93-100 A- = 90-92 B+ = 87-89 B = 83-86 B- = 80-82 C+ = 77-79 C = 73-76 C- = 70-72 D = 65-69 F = 0-64 Progress reports keep you informed of your child’s quarterly progress.