Science Fair Project Salt & water Chemistry Frances Hansen and Maribel Cerda
Statement of the Problem How does salt affect the temperature of cold water?
Project Overview We put 1/8 teaspoon of salt into six cups of cold water and left 6 cups of cold water without salt.
Research Easy Took time A lot of planning Took effort
Variables Independent variable: Our independent variable would be the salt Dependent variable: Our dependent variable would be the temperature of water. Constant variables: Our constant variables are the types of cups we use, the type of thermometer, and the brand of salt we use. Control group: Our control group is the cup of water without salt We selected this our control group because it will help us identify the differences in the temperatures.
Hypothesis If 1 gram of salt is put into a cup of cold water, then the temperature of water will become colder because of all the substances salt contains. Our hypothesis is a trend because it will make anonymous results
Materials 12 cups A cup of salt Liter of water Thermometer Measuring cups
Procedure Layout supplies Label each cups (s for salt on 6 cups and ns for no salt on the other 6 cups) Fill each cup with ½ cups of water Put 1/8 teaspoon of salt into the cups labeled s Place the thermometer in the water Read the temperature Tell whether the temperatures changed Record the data on the chart Repeat steps 4-8 with the remaining cups
Data/Observations (Analyzes) Key: 100% will mean it stayed the same Any other percents means it got colder Numbers are accurate
Conclusion Our experiment proved our hypothesis correct because the cups with salt in them got colder. Overall, this experiment was very educational.
Possible Experimental Errors The thermometer could have not been accurate We could have read the thermometer wrong It was possible that we skipped a step
Applications and Recommendations We recommend that you spend and make time when doing experiments. Especially ones that take time
Works Cited Cerda, Maribel, and Frances Hansen. Science Research Paper. 28 Jan Salt and Water. Home, Phoenix.