Dear Mr. / Ms. How do we make sure that meaningful, relevant connectivity reaches everyone in the world? What innovations in technology, policy and strategy will deliver smart development solutions? How can we bring digital to every person, home and organization for a fully connected, intelligent world? Please join us as we explore these questions and more at this year’s ITU Telecom World conference in Durban, South Africa from the 10 – 13 September 2018. ITU Telecom World 2018 is a global platform for acceleration ICT innovation to drive social and economic development. This year’s event will connect ICT stakeholders from across governments and industry, including cutting edge-tech SMEs, global media, academia and international organizations to explore collaborative strategies and partnerships for the deployment of a digital world. Specifically, we would love for you to join us in the afternoon of 11 September 2018 at Huawei’s ICT Forum. Our main focus is to showcase how developing countries can connect the unconnected through ICT and how ICT can support development or be a fully-fledged driver of economic growth and social progress. We thank you for your continuous support and hope to see you in Durban. Yours sincerely, Li Peng President Huawei Southern Africa