Veterinary Terminology Prefix Form
History Most of the terms used in veterinary medicine are based on Latin or Greek. Latin=universal language of medicine Greeks=founders of modern medicine terminology can be confusing unless you have the tools to decipher it. So….
Building Blocks Prefix modifies the meaning of the word it is attached to located at the beginning of a word Examples: Poly-, De-, Anti-, Post Handout 1, Handout 4
Building Blocks Suffix modifies the meaning of the word it is attached to located at the end of a word Examples: -itis, -ology, -lysis Handout 2, Handout 5
Building Blocks Root foundation of a word Adding a prefix or a suffix to the root modifies its meaning Roots can be combined with other roots or a suffix by adding a combining form… Examples: Cardi/o, Nas/o Handout 3, Handout 6
Building Blocks Combining Form vowel that is used to connect roots to other roots or to a suffix usually an “O” but can be “A”, “E”, or an “I” make the term easier to pronounce Not always used
Ep-, Epi- On, upon Epidermal: upon the epidermis
Eu- (yoo) Normal Eupnea: Normal breathing
Iso- Equal; same Isothermic: equality of temperature
Multi- Many, much Multicellular: many cells
Neo- New Neonatal- new born
Pan- All Panarthritis- all inflammation of joints
Peri- Around Periodontal: pertaining to the area around the tooth
Post- After Postoperative: after a surgical operation
Uni- One Unicellular: one celled
-al, -ic, -ac, -ous- Pertaining to Thermic: temperature Dermal: skin Hydrous: water
-graphy Recording of Radiography: recording of an image using x-rays
-ist One who studies Cardiologist: person who studies the heart
-lysis Destruction of Erythrolysis: destruction of red blood cells
-megaly Abnormally large Hepatomegaly: abnormally large liver
-natal Birth Postnatal: after birth
-oxia Oxygen Hypoxia: insufficient oxygen
-phagia Eating, swallowing Malphagia: poor swallowing or eating ability
-spasm Involuntary contraction Cardiospasm: involuntary contraction of the heart
-toxin Poison Entrotoxin: intestintal poisoning
Derm/o, Dermat/o