Extended Advisory Lesson 6 Growth Mindset Extended Advisory Lesson 6
It’s a Tale of TWO Activities Today! TASK Number 1 Meet with your advisory teacher and answer 4 questions about your goal plan that you created last month The Questions your Advisory Teacher will ask you: 1. What is your goal that you are working on? 2. Where are you on that? 3. What have you done to get there? 4. What can you continue to do in order to reach your goal? TASK Number 2 While another student is with the teacher, individually or in a small group, you are going to… Read the essay, “My story” and answer the questions on the attached paper. Reflect upon the quote “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” in your answers. Apply the concept of Growth Mindset to having respect for and showing kindness to others in your answers. Turn your papers in to your teacher, who will turn them in to Mrs. Lang in Counseling. Teachers, please spend time with each student individually going over their goal sheets. You may not be able to do this in one extended advisory period, so please make an effort to talk to students as you can, throughout the month of February during advisory period, even if it is one student per day. This gives you a chance to provide feedback to students that will help produce within them a growth mindset. Thank you for all you do!