Tom Coughlin Director Elect IEEE Region 6 January 25, 2014 IEEE Region 6 Update Tom Coughlin Director Elect IEEE Region 6 January 25, 2014
Discussion points What we are Region and Area plans/ideas/challenges 2014 Action Items 2015-2016 Initiatives Conferences and Key Events Action Items Region Resources Who we are and can be
IEEE has a lot of features…. Members believe IEEE is important…. but can’t articulate the value…. clearly
We believe IEEE is unique The IEEE brand is currently highly leveraged in attracting new members and collaborators, yet membership experience is not always consistent with the expectations. What can you do to keep our members?
IEEE’s Ultimate Mission To provide members who have an interest in the IEEE designated fields, with opportunities for educational, technical and professional development, emphasizing the benefits and value of continuing IEEE membership at all membership levels.
What members want Ability to network, personal contact Continuing education through IEEE publications STEM outreach Career development opportunities Support humanitarian projects Public understanding of who we are and what we do Partnering 12/28/2018
Region/Area plans/actions/challenges Communications efficiency (curation) Website, SEO, architecture, e-mail, newsletters, etc Best practices, create Cookbook Reorganize Region and Area meetings Increase utilization of volunteers and IEEE resources (CLE, PACE, Student branches, STEM volunteers) Outreach (public and private)
Need: Social Media elements Website needs WordPress based website Site ownership with authority and responsibility SEO (meta tags and page content) Need: Customer focus Need: Social Media elements
Focus on communications Action Item 1 Improve web sites to enable members and visitors to easily find the site(s) and quickly find needed information. Focus on communications
Focus on outreach, visibility and image Action Item 2 Increase industry and public sector outreach that will increase IEEE visibility and clearly state IEEE value and attributes to decision makers. Focus on outreach, visibility and image
Action Item 3 Create stronger linkages and relationships between Sections, Branches and Chapters using meetings, competitions, SPAC’s, PACE events or special activities as conduit. Focus on member value
Action Item 4 Create an officer mindset that places you as the CEO of a geographic unit, improve the relationship between sections and chapters, utilize CLE, improve communication conduit to the members and the public. Focus on personal and professional development
Region 6 Initiatives—in 1 Year Create academic and industrial advisory groups for IEEE Region 6 (what can we do to help and increase our relevance) Create interesting design project competition for student members (humanitarian projects, etc.)
Region 6 Initiatives—in 1 Years (2) Work on lowering the cost higher education using on-line courses Make R6 meetings into webinars—benefit to IEEE members to attend remotely Create eGRID for Region 6
International Leadership Conference Conferences WIE – May 2014, San Francisco GHTC – October, San Jose Sustainability – August, Portland SUSTECH 2013 Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference 1st I E E E Co n f e r e n c e o n T e c h n o l o g i e s f o r Su s t a i n a b i l i t y
Key Events SusTech, July 24-26, 2014, Portland Sustainability Conference (energy, efficiency, sustainable electronics) GHTC – 2014 Oct 10-13, San Jose (humanitarian projects and industry leaders) WIE Conference, May 1-3, San Francisco (leadership) E-Week 2014, Engineers Drive the Future: Turning Ideas into Reality. IEEE is the lead society
Create the IEEE of tomorrow Actively promote the IEEE brand and message/vision consistently to all constituents. Members Public Clarity Commitment Protection Responsiveness Authentic Relevant Distinctive Consistent Visible Caring
Be Part of a Network Share the Fun Other Professionals Community and Business Leaders Provide or Obtain a Different Perspective Interest Areas
Key elements…engagement, outreach and enthusiasm! Provide Your Voice Professional Activities Civic Projects Community Programs Corporate leaders Elected officials Key elements…engagement, outreach and enthusiasm!
Create the Future of the IEEE