Are you an ARTIST? Can you be an ARTIST?
We are going to look at this short video! ‘The Dot' is a charming invitation to self-expression. Vashti thinks she can't draw. No, Vashti KNOWS she can't draw! To prove her point, she jabs at a blank sheet of paper to make an unremarkable and angry mark. That one little dot marks the beginning of Vashti's journey of surprise and self-discovery.
That one little dot marks the beginning of Vashti's journey of surprise and self-discovery…. What journey of surprise was Vashti embarking on? What did Vashti discover about herself? Something to ponder… Click on link to view video To find out more behind this inspirational story, click here: Link to view video with NLB account (recommended)
Canberra Primary School believes that…. Every child is an artist
So… what is ART? 8 definitions of ART
It’s not just Drawing … but can also be collage, mosaics, photography, sculpture, video, painting and many other media What is ART?
It’s not just happy … but can also show anger, pain, wonder, sadness and many other emotions. What is ART?
It’s not just in galleries … but can also be in public buildings, in parks and on the streets, in magazines, in fact… there’s art all around you. What is ART?
It’s not just an image … but can also be a meaningful idea and a historical source, informing us about the lifestyle of people in the past and present. What is ART?
It’s not just for art lover … but also for all people of all ages to react to. What is ART?
It’s not just realistic … but can also be abstract, symbolic, imaginary, distorted or a fleeting impression of a moment in time. What is ART?
It’s not just pretty … but can be horrifying and challenging. What is ART?
It’s not just acceptable … but can also be rebellious, controversial, dramatic and spiritual. What is ART?
WHAT’S NEW? AN ART PORTFOLIO It is your A3 Sketchbook It will be assessed at the end of each semester. Warning: If you lose your sketchbook, you will fail your ART. So, take very good care of your sketchbook.
What is a PORTFOLIO? A portfolio is a thoughtful compilation of student works that showcases a student’s developments, achievements and progress over time. It contains evidence reflecting a wide range of skills and attributes including student reflection and progression. The portfolio can include completed artworks, works in progress or process diary. With portfolio, teachers can observe students taking risks, developing creative solutions and using self-reflection to make judgement about their performances. Portfolio provides a forum encouraging students to be independent and self-directed learners.
EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR Be RESPONSIBLE Take good care of art supplies ART CLASS EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR Be RESPECTFUL Treat others as you would like to be treated Be silent while the teacher gives directions Talk quietly while working on your art project Touch only your art project while working Be RESPONSIBLE Take good care of art supplies Clean up after yourself and help others Take bathroom breaks only if it is an emergency Be helpful to each other and the teacher Be SAFE Be careful with art supplies Only touch supplies after directions are given Use sharp objects appropriately Walk directly from your seat to your destination
1 My 1st ART Task getting to know your name
This is how it would look like... 2 You are going to create a big name tag which is going to be placed on your table for every art lessons. This tag will be kept in your portfolio weekly. This is how it would look like...
Let's follow... 3 Fold an A4 paper into 4 equal parts horizontally Divide the folded part into the required number of parts Write your name and colour them
My 1st Artist HOMEWORK You are an artist. Design your Art Portfolio Cover with the given theme: ‘artist’ Do it on the first page of your sketchbook and not on the cover. Do include your name, class and art teacher. You may use any medium or style to do this. (collage, painting, drawing, mixed media etc) You must hand-in your sketchbook by the next art lesson. Sypnosis of theme Every child is unique and so are his/her artworks, which manifest his/her artistic and creative expressions in their own distinctive ways. The theme ‘artist’, with an emphasis on ‘i’, depicts how the world is perceived through the eyes of a child. It celebrates the artist in every child and signifies access to art for every child in our schools.