Project by: Caroline Budd 1st hour Emily Dickinson Project by: Caroline Budd 1st hour
Family Edward and Emily Norcross Dickinson Father - lawyer who was active in the Whig Party Mother - passive housewife Older Brother - William Austin Dickinson Younger Sister - Lavinia Norcross Dickinson
Early Life Emily Elizabeth Dickinson Born in Amherst, Mass. on Dec. 10th 1830
Schooling Amherst Academy Heard lectures at Amherst College Finished her formal schooling at Mount Holyoke Female Seminary
Later Life Never married cared for ill mother Rarely left house after mid 1860’s Never joined a church Died of kidney disease on May 15th, 1886
Writing Works published after death by Lavinia Her writing was altered to adhere to societal norms 1st volume published in 1890 Complete works published in 1955
Title divine- is mine! “ My husband- women say- Stroking the melody- Is this- the way?”
Analysis “Yet the poem itself is not stark … loaded with energy… close to explosive.” ~Sharon Cameron
I Prayed, at first, a Little Girl Because they told me to- But stopped, when qualified to guess How prayer would feel-to me-”
Analysis “This poem lacks the bite… adopting instead a philosophical wistfulness.” ~Susan Kornfield
Writing Style Short poems First person Most of poems aren’t titled Common meter Dashes Capitalized interior words
Theme Not everyone has to adhere to societal norms pressed upon them