Assignment prior to the lesson on Piecewise Functions Algebra I CCSS
Assignment prior to this lesson SAS Curriculum Pathways website Username: underline33three No password necessary!
The main screen scrolls through 7 pictures The main screen scrolls through 7 pictures. Click on the second one, then click on the blue ….
Go to Unit 10: Special Functions
10-2 Piecewise-Defined Functions I want you to look at 10-2 Piecewise-Defined Functions and 10-3 Step Functions
Just try the GET READY tab on 10-2 Piecewise-Defined Functions
Then try the GET READY tab on 10-3 Step Functions
Then try page 4 of the LEARN tab on 10-3 Step Functions
You are welcome (but not required) to look at pages 1-3 on the LEARN tab