9 elemets of digital citizenship Arantza Aguilar López 1°D
Digital Access Everyone have access to internet, we all help to expand and grow as a society. To become real citizens, we need to make sure that everone has Access to this society.
Digital Commerce Now market economy is now done electonically, the buyer and seller need to be informed of the issues of it. The users need to be good consumers to don’t damage a company.
Digital Communication Now everyone can communicate and exchange information with others in anywhere and in anytime they want.
Digital Literacy We need to teach the others the correct use and learn more about technology. We all need to learn in anytime and anywhere. Learnes have to be taught in a digital citizenship.
Digital Etiquette When we are in a digital citizenship, we all need to have an appropiate behavior, if you don’t follow the rules, you can be banned.
Digital Law The users need to know that if they harm, steal the identity of someone, download illegal music, etc, unethical and is consider a crime, so you need to follow the laws of the citizenship.
Digital Rights & Responsibilities You also have rights in the citizenship, for example, freedom of speech, privacy. The users need to use the technology in an appropriate manner.
Digital Health & Wellness The citizens need to learn that if they stay a lot of time in technological devices, they can harm their eyes or a stress syndrome, they have to protect themselves.
Digital Security You can’t trust in everyone because they can steal your infrormation if you don’t have a good password or some viruses can damage you computer so you need a virus protection. We all need to protect our information because they can cause harm in others or you.
Sources http://www.digitalcitizenship.net/nine-elements.html Google images.