Goggles Apron Slide Coverslip Beaker Pipette Hot Plate Petri Dish Gel Microscope Slide Coverslip Beaker Graduated Cylinder Pipette Erlenmeyer Flask Dissecting Pins Hot Plate Tray Probe Petri Dish Electronic Balance Magnifying Glass Micropipette Gel Electro-phoresis Ruler Forceps
Produces a magnified image of a small structure Protects eyes clothing Produces a magnified image of a small structure Used to hold sample to view from microscope Serves as barrier between sample and microscope to keep lens clean Used to hold and make approximate measurements of liquids Used to make accurate liquid volume measurements Used to extract and deliver small amounts of liquid Used to store, mix and heat liquids. Hold specimen in place during dissection Adjustable heating source for beakers and flasks Holds specimen during dissection Used to separate parts of a specimen or move them around Used to culture cells (ex: grow bacteria) Used for measuring mass of an object Makes an object appear greater in size Used to extract and deliver minute amounts of liquid Technique used to separate bases of DNA Used for measuring the length of an object Used for grasping small objects