‘Get Active with Tennis’ A Healthy Workplace Promotion ‘Get Active with Tennis’ at St Anne’s Tennis Club Offer Includes: A 2 month (March and April) €30 introductory membership package Mon to Fri 7am-3pm Plus 4 FREE Tennis Xpress Adult Starter Lessons on Friday evenings between March 1st and April 20th. The Healthy Workplace Spring Offer is designed for work colleagues and/or friends to sample tennis together in a fun and friendly environment. The offer will culminate in an invitation to participate in the St Annes Inter Firms Team Event (4 per team) from April 29th – 12th May. All levels welcome. To sign up or for more details on the Health Workplace Promotion please contact: Michelle Kirby or Debbie Whelan. Tel: 051 051 874350 email: info@stannestennis.com