SOCIAL GROUP 2 or more people who interact with each other and are aware of having something in common Meet a variety of needs (affection, belonging, etc…) Members are aware of each other in a personal sense (different than a crowd-collection of people who have come together for a specific purpose)
NORMS Rules within a group that indicates how members should behave (rules may be formally written down or understood by all) Following the norms of the group is important if a member wants to continue as part of that group
What is your role as a student? What is my role as a teacher? ROLES Groups influence behaviour by assigning their members social roles ROLE-behaviours that individuals within a group are expected to perform What is your role as a student? What is my role as a teacher?
SANCTIONS Used to encourage or discourage certain kinds of behaviours Examples: Positive Sanction-acceptance, good marks Negative Sanction-rejection, reprimands, shunning